Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1826 Entrusted Mission

At this time, Vermilion Bird, one of the four elephants, had just returned home.

His family was originally a nobleman.

But later, when the Blood Emperor purged the redundant and incompetent nobles, their family was deprived of their noble status and changed from a noble to a commoner.

But because Vermilion Bird's own strength is still very strong, he came out to work as a worker. Although it is difficult to make money, he can also pay off his debts slowly.

But now, when he walked home, he saw a gorgeous artistic lamp placed on his table.

"what is this?"

Vermilion Bird asked a little strangely.

""Eight thirty-seven" lights."

"However, this is something we didn't have at home this morning." Vermilion Bird suddenly clasped his hands tightly and said.

And his father said: "This is an art lamp. I asked the famous artist Kachar to make it this morning. It's beautiful, right?"

"Isn't this a normal expense for nobles?"

At this time, Vermilion Bird's father said confidently.

"We are no longer nobles!" Vermilion Bird said suddenly: "We should stop wasting money, we should only spend money on necessary expenses!"

Unexpectedly, the moment Vermilion Bird said these words, his father ran away and stood up angrily.

At this moment, he said angrily: "That's not true, our family is a nobleman! As long as the damned emperor dies, our family can immediately regain the status of nobleman! So we need to show our strength like this!"

Vermilion Bird closed his eyes, he was very dissatisfied with his useless and conceited father.

"Although the Blood Emperor Hestis has cleansed many people and is resented by many people, he is indeed a very charismatic and cunning emperor! He is even called the most capable emperor in the history of the Heart Galaxy!"

Vermilion Bird said in his heart: "To let him die in order to restore his noble status is simply whimsical and impossible.

Thinking of this, Vermilion Bird shook his head, and then said to his father in front of him: "I will not give you any more money after this, I will take my brother away, and you can pay back the money yourself in the future.


At this time, his father was furious and said: "Bastard, how do you think you grew up to such a big age? Who do you think gave you money to let you go to school and let you learn magic tricks?"


"Alas....I have paid enough for this family.

Vermilion Bird sighed, then turned his head and walked back regardless of his father.

"Stop, stop for me!"

At this time, Vermilion Bird's father uttered an angry scream again, but Vermilion Bird ignored him and turned around and walked out of the goal.

At this time, he opened the door and walked out.

And a very cute little boy was waiting for him at the door.

"Big brother, you are finally back."

At this moment, the little boy grabbed Vermilion Bird's hand and said, "big brother, are you taking me out of here?"


Vermilion Bird took his younger brother's hand and walked outside, saying as he walked, "We're going to move soon. By then, you won't have to live with these two lunatics, Mom and Dad."

Although Vermilion Bird's words sound a little wrong, the tenderness in his words is absolutely true. He loves his little brother very much and doesn't want his little brother to encounter any danger..

And now, he is also walking on the path with his younger brother...

Of course, Lin Tai's plan has not stopped. While others are still struggling with the plan, Lin Tai's plan is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this moment, several Lin Tai heroes have completed the avatars of the gods that Lin Tai requested to build, and began to implement Lin Tai's final plan.

"Can the master's plan succeed?"

At this time, the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon asked strangely.

But as soon as Blackscale Corpse King Long said this, several other heroes of Lin Tai all turned their heads to look at him in an instant, all of them looked like you were mentally retarded.

But at this time, Thor on the side said: "Do you really think that our great master may fail? The great master is a great existence with great wisdom and a far-sighted vision!"


At this time, Katok also came here and said: "Our great ruler will never fail!"

2.8 "Uh... eh?"

The Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon didn't know Lin Tai's wisdom, so he was still a little confused.

Of course, Lin Tai is not here now.

At this time, Lin Tai was sitting face to face with that mysterious person.

And this mysterious person immediately said: "Come here, file a case with Mister Shura.

As soon as he finished speaking, a person suddenly came up and put two cups of tea in front of Lin Tai and Linglong.

Lin Tai could feel his emotions, and had a very strong possessive desire for Linglong, but she hid it well and didn't show it at all. .

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