Under Lin Tai's control, the tank team was teleported to a very dark place at this time.

Looking at the situation in front of them, they felt a little fear and panic in their hearts.

And now Lin Tai is already sitting in front of the big screen, looking at the situation of these people in front of him.

"What's going on here?"

At this time, Tank also asked: "You guys, is there anyone here?"

After hearing the voice of the tank, another familiar voice sounded beside the tank: "Captain, I'm right here! I'm fine!

"It's fine, why are there so many rustling noises here?"

At this time, the tank was also talking strangely, then got up and said: "Let's find a way to get out of this place first!"

"Well, that's okay, now is not the time to think too much."

As they talked, they also immediately wanted to escape from this place, but the surroundings were very sticky, as if a large amount of viscous liquid was stored here.

"You can't escape!"

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the tank.

Tank looked back subconsciously, but saw a figure behind him.

But almost instantly, this figure began to undergo strange changes again, as if it gradually turned into the figure of a huge praying mantis.

Who else could this giant mantis be, but Lin Tai's hero, Katok?

"You, what are you?"

At this time, he also said: "Wait a minute, I can give you what you want, why don't we make a deal, you let us out, and I can provide you with what you need!"

"Whether it's money or anything else, I can give it to you! Just get us out of this place!"

"Oh, trade? Thank you so much."

Unexpectedly, at this time, the praying mantis also smiled and said: "It's just that I have already got what I want, so what you can provide me is not enough.


Before the tank came over, he suddenly saw a large number of praying mantis cubs all around, staring at the two of them closely.

"Ah! What are these?"

And when they panicked, Katok couldn't help but said to himself: "Master Juggernaut wants me to reproduce some offspring in an unsystematic way, as my personal guard. And you have also seen that , They are very hungry now, so please use your own flesh and blood to feed my children."

Speaking of this, Katok also showed a terrifying smile, "But no matter how I say it, I'm a good person, and I won't let you die."

Katok is a guy with sacred attributes, he can heal them at any time, and then start eating again.

This middle god, a lower god, needs to use his own body to pay for the sin of blindly invading Lin Tai's homeland.

Another person in the team was teleported to a strange place.

When he opened his eyes, he found that his body was bound.

And standing in front of him is an undead eye dragon who looks very arrogant!

This is exactly Lin Tai's hero, the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon.

The task Lin Tai set for the Black Scaled Corpse King Dragon is to use this sent worker to try to transform the living object into an undead, and control its spirit to make it his own puppet.


As long as it succeeds, then the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon can do more things in Lin Tai's plan, and its role will become even greater.

So it also quite recognized Lin Tai's plan and prepared to improve its own strength.


The whole person's mouth was blocked, unable to make any sound.

"Well, although your strength is not very good, it is enough to be my experimental subject. I hope you don't have a nervous breakdown."


Saying this, the Blackscale Corpse King Dragon also walked towards the person in front of him and said, "My experiment is about to start, get ready.

But now, Lin Tai looked at the situation in front of him from a distance, and said: "Very well, we have already dealt with the three teams now, and next, there is only the last team left."

The fourth team mentioned by Lin Tai is naturally the Four Elephant Team, which is also a team of black workers.

People from the other three teams have been used as part of Lin Tai's plan, and the four people in this team are Lin Tai's use of them to fight with a new force.

After coming to this galaxy, Lin Tai merged with another part of himself and gained the power of light.

But this power conflicts with Lin Tai's original dark power, so until now, Lin Tai has rarely used this light attribute power to fight.

These four people are the whetstones that Lin Tai prepared for himself, and he wants to test how extraordinary he is with only the divine power of light. .

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