Borrowing the effect of the absence of gravity in the universe, Ashara dodged Lin Tai's blow.

Then again with the assurance of divine power, the broken sword in his hand swung towards Lin Tai.

At this moment, the broken sword that was originally shattered by Lin Tai was reborn continuously, faster than simply swinging the sword!

"not bad.

Faced with this fierce blow, Lin Tai didn't panic, but just nodded~.

His left hand suddenly turned red, and he grabbed the opponent's sword.


At the same time, he pulled suddenly, and immediately Ashara's body - attacked him.

Without giving him time to react, Lin Tai clenched Chaos Law's right hand and punched out of thin air.

But even though the fist hit the empty space, Ashara vomited a mouthful of blood, an obvious fist mark appeared on her chest, and she flew out instantly.

"how can that be?"

Letting out an unbelievable roar, Ashara's body shook, and fell on a planet that just appeared behind her.

"Is this all calculated by you?"

"No, it's just your luck." Lin Tai shook his head, and then didn't speak any more.

"Although I have thought that I am definitely not your opponent, but this terrible gap still makes me feel scared and crazy. I am really ignorant to dare to challenge you...

On the planet, Ashara said such a sentence, but immediately her face changed.

"But no matter what, today I will use all my strength to meet this battle!"

Letting out a hoarse roar, suddenly a layer of blood-red light appeared on Ashara's body!

From Lin Tai's perspective, it can be seen that Ashara's health has dropped by 75% in an instant, and it was he who took the initiative to reduce it.

As for other attributes, they began to increase significantly at this moment, reaching the level close to that of a pseudo-superior god.

"The spirit of the ancestors, come!"

After saying these words, more than a dozen huge phantoms with different colors appeared above his head.

"The spirits of the ancestors, it seems that they all used to be at the level of high gods, and I don't know what kind of growth it can bring to him."

Lin Tai didn't disturb the opponent's movements, but just watched quietly, all the ancestor spirits were integrated into Ashara's body.

Almost instantly, Ashara's body exploded!

Then, countless blood-red auras drilled out of the body, condensing on the spot into a terrifying phantom whose body was larger than the sun and whose data was almost the same as that of Lin Tai.

"Well, I sacrificed myself to summon such a guy."

"Yeah, this way, I'm really dead." Ashara said with a smile: "After the duration is over, I will be out of my wits."


Lin Tai finally said: "Surrender now, I can still restore your body, don't you really think about it?"


Shaking her head, Ashara suddenly slashed at Lin Tai with the long sword in her hand.

This time he didn't use any skills or martial arts, he didn't even activate any skills, because now in this state he can only level A and can't use any skills at all.

Lin Tai also raised the long sword in his hand, colliding with Ashara's long sword head-on.


A terrifying explosion sounded, and in an instant the collision of the divine powers of the two sides erupted into a terrifying vortex, forming a black hole on the spot.

Lin Tai squeezed his left hand, and his divine power squeezed the black hole into a singularity, and he caught it in his hand.

…… Ask for flowers………

At the same time, his right hand didn't stop, his body turned on the spot, blocking Ashara's second attack again.

Immediately afterwards, he squeezed the singularity, and then swung his left fist forward.

The power of the singularity explosion was engulfed by divine power [it hit the newly created black hole head-on.

The infinite absorption and infinite release did not cancel each other out, but in an instant, because of the crazy confrontation, a large amount of relative power was generated, rolling towards the surroundings.

In an instant, the phantom of the sword in Ashara's hand was crushed.

"You're already dead."

At this moment, a strange voice suddenly rang in Ashara's ear.

He looked around in shock, but he didn't find any existence that could speak.

Then his body exploded, and countless red rays of light attacked in all directions of the universe, and soon completely lost the ability to fight.

"What the hell happened here?"

Seeing Ashara dissipate on the spot, Ke Rocks roared in disbelief.

He was very aware of his own strength, only now did he realize that there was actually a huge gap between him and Ashara, and there was absolutely no way he could be his opponent.

But even so, the powerful Ashara was unexpectedly killed so easily by the other party.

Most importantly, they still couldn't see how Lin Tai made the move.

"Master Aila, Lord Ashara, come out!" Crome also couldn't believe it, and shouted in panic.

"He is dead."

Lin Tai appeared in front of the other party at this time.

With a wave of his hand, some strange substances and some red energy were recalled to work in an instant.

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