Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1847 Response To The Heart And Earth Galaxy

Although the heart-centered galaxy is nominally an ally with Lin Tai, after this battle, the heart-centered galaxy was also seriously affected.

Because almost all of the 900 trillion troops sent by the emperor were infected by the coercion of Lin Tai and the angels and became lunatics.

These guys can no longer be used, so after negotiating with Hestis, Lin Tai bought them all back at a relatively low price for experimentation.

After Lin Tai accepted the power of the dark creator R'lyeh, his race was also changed to an ancient god. His strength was much higher than that of ordinary gods of the same level, and he could even fight against more than a dozen high gods at the same time.

And once he is by his side, as long as Lin Tai doesn't suppress his power intentionally, middle gods and ordinary beings with lower levels will all suffer the effect of the ancient god's whisper, and then go crazy directly.

Of course, special objectives are not affected.

For example, cosmic spiders, cartoon characters, and mechanical rock creatures who are also creations of the ancient gods will not be affected by the power of the ancient gods.

Of course, Lin Tai can also use the Flesh Curse to turn mechanical creatures into flesh creatures, and then control them.

Therefore, the current Heart-Earth Galaxy has lost a lot of combat power, and it has become very miserable in an instant, and it is almost impossible to continue to exist as a powerful empire.

If it weren't for the protection of Lin Tai's reputation, and Hestis hadn't given up on Gandalf, the current Inner Earth galaxy would have been invaded by other galaxies long ago.

And this is exactly Lin Tai's plan, that is to make the inner-earth galaxy completely surrender to himself, but now Hestis has not conceded defeat "Lin Tai still needs to continue with the next dose of strong medicine.

"Report Your Majesty, we have received a letter from the Cross Galaxy."

At this moment, a secretary came to Hestis and said, "People from the Cross Galaxy have agreed to meet you.

"Well, in this case, we'd better send these people to a secret place."

"Yes, I will reply to them now."

The secretary nodded, and then said to Hestis in front of his stomach: "Your Majesty, I hope that it is best not to have a fight with that monster named Lin Tai in our inner-earth galaxy, which will drag us into the abyss.

"Go down!"

Hestis said angrily.

Seeing his secretary leave, Hestis covered his head.

He is in great pain now, because everyone in the galaxy regards him as the culprit of this massacre, because it is the strongest magic he asked Lin Tai to use.

But originally Hestis just wanted to see how strong Lin Tai was, so how could he have imagined that this blow from Lin Tai directly dealt a heavy blow to King Saros Galaxy, making it almost impossible to recover? Woolen cloth?

And on the planet Naranyel, which was just occupied by Lin Tai, although people are still very afraid of Lin Tai, they have almost accepted the fact that they are ruled now.

Because Lin Tai is really a very kind person.

Here, since the fighters created by Lin Tai directly with his divine power perform physical labor here, most of the materials are very cheap and easy to obtain.

So now people in the city can basically do what they like, whatever they like, as long as they don't violate the laws formulated by Lin Tai, they can live a very stable, safe and free life.

So now people are still afraid of what is left of Lin Tai, not rejection, as long as Lin Tai does not appear directly in front of them, they are not even willing to move to other places

In this way, Lin Tai also felt that he had done a good job.

In addition to improving the lives of the people, Lin Tai also noticed one thing, that is, because his strength is too strong, just like the previous empire, there is no need for too many adventurers here.

In addition, he slaughtered tens of billions of warriors in the King Saros galaxy, so most of the adventurers repelled him, and they left the Naran Yeer star one after another, and went to the King Saros galaxy and the Heart Earth galaxy. .

This does not bode well for Lin Tai.

So now Lin Tai is going to dig some people from the inner-earth galaxy to temporarily make up for the vacancy of adventurers on this small planet.

The president of the Adventurer's Guild is named Luffy. At this time, he is facing Lin Tai who is walking, and his whole body is trembling.

Although Luffy is the president of the Adventurer's Guild, in fact, his strength is only that of a low god, and his skills are relatively good. He can be in this position only because of his popularity and senior qualifications.

But in terms of strength, he might not even be able to beat any gold-level adventurer, so when facing Lin Tai, the coercion of the high god that hit his face made him feel uncomfortable all over.

But Lin Tai didn't say much, but sat in front of Luffy and said, "I said, Luffy...".

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