Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1850: The Battle Ends

At this time, King Wu's body spun on the spot, and then a huge iron rod in his hand suddenly struck towards Lin Tai.

And at this moment, Lin Tai's body immediately retreated a certain distance.

Immediately afterwards, before King Wu's attack landed, Lin Tai suddenly hit King Wu's chest with a frontal punch, and sent King Wu flying on the spot.


King Wu let out a scream.

But Lin Tai's blow didn't cause any serious damage to it. After all, Lin Tai didn't use much divine power, it was just a simple punch.

King Wu naturally received the blow easily, but although his divine power was not strong, Lin Tai's passive knock-up still took effect, so King Wu flew out.

"What a power!"

But King Wu didn't notice Lin Tai's passive skills, but simply thought it was just because of Lin Tai's strength.

After all, this universe is still quite primitive, most middle gods can't even obtain the will of the planet, and they don't know how they become gods through physical exercise.

As a result, Lin Tai chased after him again, a mass of energy condensed in his hand, and then suddenly turned into a huge fist, attacking Wu Jin in front of him.

Feeling the strength of Lin Tai, King Wu has higher demands on himself.

The moment he retreated, he raised his hand, and the metal stick in his hand was instantly covered with orange flames, and then he hit the head with a blow, facing Lin Tai's fist.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the metal stick in the hand of King Wu in front of him was interrupted instantly!

Immediately afterwards, the King Wu took advantage of a rotation on the spot and changed his body position to avoid Lin Tai's next attack.

"The magic circle in this arena is really powerful. It can suppress the physical strength of the middle god to such a low level, and the divine power is almost useless, although it is useless to me.

As he said that, Lin Tai chased after him again, and he threw out a punch, which just hit King Wu's chest, which was the same part that he hit just now!


King Wu spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and then he fell down directly with his head up.

Seeing that the "strongest fighter" Wu Wang, who was admired by everyone, was killed so easily by Lin Tai, the surrounding audience immediately let out a very ear-piercing scream.

They couldn't even believe that King Wu was dead, and some people even kept shouting "stand up".

But all of this is impossible, because King Wu is indeed dead. Although its ability is to quickly heal his injuries, Lin Tai's punch directly killed him, and the recovery will naturally be invalid.

But Lin Tai is not a devil either.

Seeing that the people around were very sad, Meng Hao suddenly took out a black robe from his backpack and put it on his body.

And now he looks like a little light man in a black robe, which looks quite weird.

Then, Lin Tai looked at the person in front of him and said, "King Wu, although you are dead, don't forget your promise to me."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tai raised his hands high, and then the people present saw one thing, that is, a series of holy and beautiful rays of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, falling on King Wu.

Soon, King Wu's body moved, and then stood up little by little.

...asking for flowers...

Seeing their hero King Wu come back from the dead, the people watching the battle burst into laughter and applause again.

These voices are not only for King Wu, but also for Lin Tai.

Lin Tai knew that his strategy had succeeded.

Reviving King Wu not only makes people feel good about him, but also tells adventurers that he has the ability to bring people back from the dead, which can assist their growth

In this way, when Lin Tai recruits talents, the success rate will be greatly improved.

Afterwards, Lin Tai also saw that he had won the victory, and then flew directly into the air, and came to the VIP room where Hestis was.

At this moment, Hestis, the emperor of the Heart Galaxy stared dumbfounded at the arena in front of him, and at Lin Tai who suddenly flew in front of him.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, Hestis suddenly said: "Master Lintai, I hope that our heart galaxy can become your vassal state.


Lin Tai glanced at Hestice in a daze. He didn't expect that this guy would offer to surrender right now.

In Lin Tai's plan, Hestis would choose to surrender after he destroyed or occupied the King Saros galaxy. He didn't expect it to come so soon.

In fact, Hestis didn't want to surrender either, but this was really too much of a coincidence.

When he was facing the messenger of the cross galaxy, Lin Tai happened to come here, and the other party almost instantly thought that he had found Lin Tai.

His heart is very painful, he thinks that Lin Tai's resourcefulness is unfathomable, and he completely counts himself in it. .

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