At this moment, Lin Tai brought Gandalf and Bunny to this place called Luden Galaxy.

As soon as he entered, he felt that the galaxy was crying.

It is estimated that it will not be long before this galaxy will be destroyed automatically.

And the creatures in it, if they don't have the ability to escape, will be completely annihilated together with this galaxy, and will disappear in front of people forever.

But despite this, the lifespan of a galaxy is still extremely long, even in its twilight years, it can still survive for hundreds of thousands of years.

Of course, hundreds of thousands of years are considered fleeting for a galaxy, and in fact they are not considered very long.

Landing on a very huge planet, Lin Tai took the two off the spaceship and landed on the ground. What appeared in front of them was a fairly large forest.

It's just that different from ordinary forests, this forest looks very gloomy, and the light is very dim.

The trees are gray, even the leaves are, and the bark is covered with distorted human faces, which looks quite terrifying.

"It's really strange. Is this situation caused by the continuous loss of vitality?"

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai led the people forward.

There are almost no animals in this forest, and even insects are hard to see.

At this time, Lin Tai continued to spread his mental power to the surroundings, began to scan the surrounding situation, and sent everything he got to his brain.

Soon they saw a strange existence, which was a huge cave.

It can be said that there is something wrong with the cave, because the cave is so huge that it even directly crosses a huge mountain range. Not only does it not look like a cave, but it looks like a rather huge canyon.

"Oh, this is really spectacular~!"

As he said that, Lin Tai immediately led the people towards the depths of the valley.

And in this place, they saw a lot of relatively huge houses, which looked very simple, completely different from the legendary metal houses of the dwarves.

"Well, if this is where the dwarves used to live, why is there such a thing here?"

As he spoke, Lin Tai also looked at Gandalf who was at the side.

Gandalf also said immediately at this time: "According to what I know, even if the dwarves are royals, they will never live in such a huge house, so there must be something wrong here."

As he said that, he also walked in, but there were no other creatures in these houses, and it seemed that he either left or went out temporarily.

"I feel the breath of life."

But at this time, Lin Tai suddenly said such a sentence, and then walked straight inside.

Soon, the people present saw a very narrow pothole, which seemed not enough to allow overly strong creatures to pass through.

However, both Lin Tai and Gandalf can change their body shape at will, and the loophole is a two-dimensional creature, so they can get in directly.

The three walked in together.

After continuing to move forward for a while, they saw that there was a small black shadow directly in front of them.

He was wearing an invisibility cloak, and at the same time, there were many ores beside him, and it was constantly beating the wall in front of him with the manuscript in its hand.

With every knock, some scattered clods of soil fell down, and he picked out what he needed from among these clods of soil and stones.

According to Lin Tai's observation, this is likely to be a dwarf, but it is really strange that there is only such a dwarf here.

~You go first. "

Lin Tai gave an order to the loophole with his mind.

The loophole rabbit also knew that he was a very cute type, basically he would not scare people, so he immediately bounced and walked towards the dwarf in front of him.

"what are you doing?"

When the dwarf was digging, suddenly the voice of the loophole rabbit sounded behind him, which also startled the dwarf for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the loophole came up and said, "Hey, buddy."


When the dwarf heard the voice, it can be said that his expression changed drastically, but when he saw that it was a petite and cute rabbit (Nuoma Zhao) who was talking to him, he also relaxed a little.

"Can you take off this invisibility cloak?"

"Hmm..." The dwarf thought for a moment, then moved a little, changing where he was standing, and then the dwarf asked, "Can you see me?"



After confirming that Bunny Bunny could indeed see him, the dwarf took off his invisibility cloak and said, "As you can see, little rabbit, I'm mining."

As he spoke, he looked around, then put away the things and ores on the ground, grabbed the small, soft claws of the loophole rabbit, and walked towards the outside of the cave. .

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