Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1859: The Holy Demon Angel Appears

At this time, the dwarf's satellite slowly stopped moving.

It was fixed in place, looking like it was waiting to be beaten.

At this time, the predators had rested for a period of time, and their physical strength became much more abundant, so when they saw the satellite stop, they rushed up in an instant.

Facing dozens of spaceships, the dwarves did not move at all, only a figure that was obviously not a dwarf flew out.

"Is it really okay?"

At this time, the dwarf general Vera looked at Lin Tai and said, "Although your subordinate is very powerful, there are more than ten trillion predators on the opposite side!"

"Don't worry, we are different from you, our combat effectiveness is not but it can be seen from the number.

Seeing what Lin Tai said, the dwarf general Vera didn't say anything.

And the one who appeared in front of the predator at this time was naturally the Holy Demon Angel Sufiel.

Sophie was originally very beautiful, but now that she has completed the integration of the holy and the devil, there is a touch of evil charm and temptation in the original holy temperament.

But the predators had no intention of appreciating it at all, they directly rushed towards Sufier, wanting to kill and devour him.

But at this moment, Sophie's whole body was shaken suddenly, and ten trillion fallen angels were summoned on the spot.

Seeing these large numbers of creatures appearing out of thin air, these predators were instantly frightened. After all, they had never seen anything that could teleport out so many.

These fallen angels are all the ultimate attributes among the god-level arms, basically they can fight three orc predators with one.

Moreover, these fallen angels are still wearing armors with both magic and martial arts. At this time, they all hold very huge sickles in their hands, which are shrouded in a large amount of purple light, and (ceae) slash forward.

A large number of purple light blades were shot out, and suddenly entered the camp of the predators, and trillions of predators were hit on the spot.

The attributes of the predators are much lower than those of the fallen angels, so when this blow hits the body, there will be residual blood on the spot.

And some of the large number of predators who rushed to the front suffered several times of output and were killed directly.

Then, Lin Tai also said: "See, these guys are really not strong. For me, I don't even need to do anything myself to kill them easily."

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"I see, your strength is really strong..."

Villa finally saw Lin Tai's strength this time, so he was also relieved, and then said: "It's really great.

On the battlefield, the fallen angels around Sophie instantly formed a special formation, and then Sophie burst out his power instantly, summoning a huge purple-black phantom on this battle formation.

The appearance of this phantom is exactly the same as that of Sophie, and at the same time, there is a huge sickle in her hand.

This is the strength of the high god, not only the number and strength of the arms themselves, the high god can also use the army formation to summon special skills.

The most of them is to combine the power of all arms and heroes in this way to summon a powerful phantom. For the arms without phantom, it can basically do the general operation of mowing grass.

At this moment, Xu Ying swung the huge scythe in Xu Ying's hand and cut the Great Emperor Predator in front of him into two pieces on the spot.

After they died, countless blood qi flew out from their wounds, and then absorbed by Sufiel's phantom, making their bodies and abilities stronger and stronger.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

At this time, the large number of predators in the rear did not flinch in the slightest. Although they were being slaughtered continuously, the predators were stimulated by the killing, and they all went crazy.


Lin Tai sat on the dwarf's satellite, looked at the situation in front of him, and crossed his legs. These guys are really nothing to him.

Soon, a large number of predators in front of them were gradually slaughtered, and there were less than one trillion predators left. These mentally retarded people finally began to give in.

This time, the commander of the predators saw his soldiers being slaughtered so easily, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His name is Kan Della, and he is also one of the very few intelligent people among the predators, so he was appointed to such a very high position.

At this time, he immediately said: "Not good, the current situation must be conveyed back!"

As he spoke, he found a subordinate who belonged to him, and said, "Edora, there is one thing you must help me accomplish.

"What's up?"

"That's it." Kan Della said: "You have to take what is happening here now and immediately take it back to inform our king, so that he can prepare in advance."

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Edora also knew that this was the way to survive. .

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