Under Lin Tai's persuasion, the demon prisoner finally chose to surrender to Lin Tai and became his hero.

And at this moment, in the old capital of the dwarves, the Lava Dragon King is curled up on his throne enjoying a nap.

But at this moment, the door suddenly opened.

The Lava Dragon King was stunned for a moment, because he didn't know who was so bold that he dared to disturb his rest.

And when he saw that the dragon that came in turned out to be a demon prisoner, the Lava Dragon King said angrily: "Bastard, didn't I ask you to lead the team to attack the dwarves? Why are you back?"

But at this moment, the "Five Seventh" Dragon King also saw a person riding on the back of the prisoner.

Although the lava dragon king doesn't like the demon prisoner, but now the demon prisoner is not losing his own people, but the face of the entire lava dragon clan.

At this moment, the Lava Dragon King let out a roar, and then its body hit Lin Tai like a meteor.

Lin Tai raised his hand directly, and suddenly a wall made of light appeared in front of him.


Immediately, the lava dragon king hit the wall, and his head was bleeding on the spot, and even the dragon scales on his head were broken.

Although both Lin Tai and Lava Dragon King are high gods, there are also strong and weak among the high gods.

There is no doubt that the Lava Dragon King is relatively strong. If you count it as an adult, then the Lava Dragon King is a gangster who is very good at street Sanda.

On the other hand, Lin Tai is a well-trained special soldier who has not yet retired, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Immediately afterwards, a big turquoise hand flew out of Lin Tai's hand, grabbed the dragon sword of the Lava Dragon King, and ruthlessly threw it to the ground.


Being so insulted by others, the Lava Dragon King became even more angry immediately. It climbed up again, and at the same time, the flame on its body became completely strange, and it was quite dim.

But the dimming of the flame does not mean that its power has weakened.

Lin Tai in the front felt it. At this time, the strength of the Lava Dragon King has been greatly enhanced, and the temperature of those dark flames is also extremely high, which is a level higher than before.

And the prisoner ridden by Lin Tai is already dripping with cold sweat, feeling the strength of his father, and he doesn't know whether it is the right choice to betray his father and choose Lin Tai.

But now it has no other choice.

Because once Lin Tai fails, no matter whether he dies or escapes, only the lower god-level self will undoubtedly be killed by the lava dragon king!

So now the prisoner is silently praying in his heart that Lin Tai can win the final victory.

"Well, that's not bad."

Lin Tai watched the other party turn into a black meteor falling from the sky and hit him again, and nodded, but the contempt in his eyes still did not disappear.

Seeing the other party fall from the sky, Lin Tai also has an extra weapon in his hand, this is a beautiful long knife like a crescent moon [the whole body exudes a bright silver light!

This is not the Law of Chaos and Judgment of Light and Darkness. In fact, it is just a weapon that Lin Tai forcibly condensed with his own divine power. It has the power of a first-class artifact, and it has no additional effects.

With a simple swing of the knife, the body of the Lava Dragon King in the air suddenly stopped on the spot...

It's not that the inertial falling has stopped, but its movement has stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the Lava Dragon King was split in half in mid-air, and then slid directly from Lin Tai's left and right sides, leaving a long trace on the ground.

Seeing that her husband had been killed, the princesses of the lava dragons behind her all turned pale with fright, and became panicked and frightened.

Just when Lin Tai was walking past, a purebred lava dragon with a number of about 3 trillion rushed out of the front again, and the leader was the big brother of the demon prisoner, a lava dragon named Kejinmaer.

Lin Tai didn't make a move this time.

He directly used the one trillion lava dragons that belonged to the demon prisoner, and replaced their hero skills with Wei himself. In an instant, these lava dragons erupted with a terrifying momentum

Immediately afterwards, the power of this trillion lava dragons was fused, and what appeared above them was not a giant lava dragon, but a lava titan.

This is the difference between Lin Tai as a human and the 1.1 dragon race. They are not the same race. Lin Tai cannot directly condense the corresponding battle formation, and can only create such a half-baked war.

But it is enough to deal with these guys in front of you.

With a wave of Lin Tai's left hand, the lava titan on top of the trillion lava dragon's head immediately punched down, directly smashing the troops led by Cojin Maer.

Immediately afterwards, the lava titan also disappeared in an instant, and Meng Hao directly ordered: "All lava dragons, rush into the opponent's formation and kill them without mercy!"

At this moment, two torrents collided together, but one was intentional, while the other was extremely reluctant. .

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