At this time, countless angels rushed up, and they unceremoniously swung the holy swords in their hands, beheading a large number of tentacle monsters in front of them on the spot.

Lin Tai didn't summon Sufiel, but directly acted as their temporary hero by himself.

Lin Tai's hero buff is called Dark Enrichment. It ignores the attributes, race, and gender of the troops, and enhances their upper limit of health by 100% and damage buff by 300%. It is a very versatile and versatile skill.

But now, the holy swords in the hands of these angels kept falling, and under the 300% damage bonus, each of their swords could cause heavy damage to the tentacle monster in front of them.

The entire team of angels plunged into the team of tentacle monsters in front like a sharp sword, and then attacked in all directions, killing them all with ease

Lin Tai was right behind the angels, and was gradually falling towards the inside.

In this occupied planet, there is something very similar to the city gate, that is, the center of the protective cover. As long as it is destroyed, the protective cover can be destroyed, and then the invasion can be carried out.

At this time, Lin Tai rushed forward, seeing that the protective shield in front of him had been assembled, he immediately raised his hand and said, "Energy blast!"

In an instant, a huge beam of light blue light shot out from the palm of Lin Tai's palm, hitting the protective shield head-on, and then a crack appeared on it instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai raised his hand again, and immediately a huge sickle appeared in his hand.

Then the sickle fell suddenly, and the wolf's knife hit the crack.


Immediately, the protective shield was broken by Lin Tai, and then a large number of angels around him rushed in directly.


These tentacle monsters let out miserable and panicked roars one after another, none of them thought that Lin Tai could break the protective shield so easily.

At this time, Remedio, the leader of the paladins, rushed up with all his paladins, and joined in the eagle killing of the tentacle monster on the spot.

The strength of these tentacle monsters is not strong, they are only very weak existences in the prehistoric galaxy, so now, they immediately launched a general attack on them.

At this time, the deputy head also walked in front of Lin Tai and said: "Your Excellency, King Guangming, thank you very much this time, I..."

"Thank him for what?" Unexpectedly, Remedio suddenly let out a roar at this time, interrupting the deputy head's words.

"Captain, you..."

The deputy head was at a loss at this time, completely unaware of what Remedio was talking about, but Remedio said directly: "He brutally killed the hostages, and his actions have no justice at all, there is no justice at all. Need to thank him!"

Lin Tai was also a little speechless.

Then he didn't care about them anymore, and then turned around and left on his own.

As for Lin Tai, Celeste followed behind him, and several of them walked forward together.

A large number of angels began to continuously attack the surrounding tentacle monsters, but this time, what appeared in front of Lin Tai were the corpses of countless tentacle monsters strewn across the field.

These guys made Lin Tai feel psychologically uncomfortable [with a single blow, a large number of tentacle monsters were knocked out.

Then, Lin Tai also saw a rather huge monster appearing in front of him.

...asking for flowers......

And Selster saw the existence of the other party at a glance, it turned out to be the monster that people fear in the galaxy, the leader of the tentacle monster, the middle god monster, the eye of the void!

The Eye of the Void is the ancestor of the tentacle monster, and it is said that it is the descendant of a very terrifying monster, and it exists to help it fight.

The Eye of the Void looks like a large tentacle monster. At the same time, there is a very huge eye in the center of its body, which can release quite thick and terrifying rays.

Moreover, this tentacle monster can also control other lives. Its spiritual power is quite terrifying. Lin Tai can even see that its spiritual power is enough to rival Linglong and Thor. Even if he wants to use spiritual attacks, it is difficult to cause damage .

"It's really a troublesome guy, and because he has a direct connection with his biological mother, he can't subdue him. It's really annoying."

Thinking this way in his heart, the Eye of the Void also saw Lin Tai in front of him, and he also noticed Lin Tai's terror, he was definitely not a weak existence.

"Hmph, it's really interesting. I didn't expect there to be a guy with good strength here." Eye of the Void said with a sneer, and then looked at Celeste who was beside him.

"Is it the unknown hand and the apostles who control it?"

Just as Celeste was about to say something, Lin Tai suddenly said, "That's right, this is my master."

In fact, Lin Tai really knows what the unknown hand and the apostle are.

Among some ancient ruins, Lin Tai found related dialogues and some recorders. .

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