Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1884: Saving The Soul

That's right, although Lin Tai and Thor are acting as the invaders and saviors this time, Lin Tai is not going to simply save these people.

He will save these people from the brainwashing of the San Felipe galaxy, let them see the real world clearly, and then be confused by himself again and become his own believers.

There is no doubt that Lin Tai is a savior with malicious intentions, and he is trying to introduce one mistake into another.

But human beings are constantly repeating mistakes. These mistakes are bound to exist. Only by constantly evolving in mistakes and then continuing to experience them can human beings truly continue.


Only then did the mother realize that Lin Tai was not a human being. She was overwhelmed by anger just now, so she didn't pay attention to Lin Tai's race.

But now, after seeing Lin Tai's terrifying appearance, a feeling of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

She immediately let go of Lin Tai's hand, and then backed away in a panic.

And suddenly, she saw Selster standing next to Lin Tai again, and wanted to scold him on the spot, but was blocked by Lin Tai.

"If you feel pain because you were saved by beings who are not human, then try to save your homeland yourself!"

Hearing this, her eyes immediately lost their luster, and she didn't intend to continue insulting Celeste, but turned around and staggered away.

Lin Tai didn't catch up, he knew that it was meaningless to talk too much, and these people need to figure it out for themselves.

And after capturing this planet, Remedio also started talking with other people in the command center of this city.

Because now they have two options.

The first is to continue to attack the city captured by the dragon Thor. The second is to use the credit of taking back the city this time to seek refuge with other nobles who have not been defeated.

Most of them are looking forward to the second option very much, because although they capture the next city now, they all know that they are not Thor's opponent.

But Remedio was different.

She originally rejected those male nobles very much, and Thor killed her beloved Holy Queen and her younger brother, so she absolutely didn't want to run away now.

In the end, Remedio tried his best to get everyone to agree to the first plan and continue to attack other planets.

Because there is a planet among them, it is said that it is the big brother who imprisoned the Holy Queen, the storm knight Salvadrin.

Salvadrin is a powerful middle god. Although he was captured, as long as he is rescued, the strength of the army of the San Felipe galaxy can be greatly enhanced immediately.

The current leading hero is only Remedio, and now she is a little bit powerless.

Lin Tai did not express his views throughout the whole process.

Because this is the San Felipe galaxy, he doesn't want to say too much, and most of the situations still have to be based on the other party's situation.


The battle soon began again.

Lin Tai and Celeste, who was in charge of guarding and monitoring him, came to Kudan in a spaceship.

The monsters guarding here are still tentacle monsters.

The only difference from the previous ones is that the strength of the tentacle monsters here seems to be stronger, and Lin Tai didn't feel the breath of the middle god from here.

"Well, Thor didn't place any powerful monsters here, but simply sent some troops to guard?"

"If that's the case, Kos, why did he put the big brother of the queen of the San Felipe galaxy, Salvadrin, here? Could it be that he wanted to rescue these people on purpose?"

Lin Tai thought in this way, and then followed the fleet to move forward, and finally stopped on a satellite not far from Kudan.


Remedio immediately commanded the fleet of the army to charge forward.

There was also a spaceship driven by tentacle monsters in front, and the artillery of both sides collided immediately, and a large number of explosions appeared in the army formations of both sides in an instant.

It's just that the tentacle monsters themselves don't have the ability to make machines. The spaceships they are driving now obtain their memories by eating the brains of other intelligent creatures, and then use their advantage of having many hands to drive these spaceships.

Therefore, the spaceships they drive are completely miscellaneous, with all kinds, and it is simply not worth mentioning in front of the army of the San Felipe galaxy.

In an instant, a large number of spaceships were blown up, and the damaged spaceships in the San Felipe galaxy were only one-tenth of the tentacle monsters.

Under the suppression of absolute technology, the tentacle monsters were immediately suppressed and retreated steadily, and the territory in the universe was also rapidly compressed, and they quickly retreated to the planet.

The anti-aircraft guns that originally existed on this planet were activated immediately, aiming at a large number of spaceships still in the air, and launching attacks. .

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