After thinking for a while, Celster finally chose to knock on the door.

"come in."

Lin Tai's voice rang in his ears.

Celster immediately pushed the door open, just in time to see Lin Tai waiting for him in front of him.

At this time, Lin Tai was standing by the window, watching the situation outside the window, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

There will soon be a horrific massacre here, but Lin Tai can only watch but not act [because this massacre is only a part of Lin Tai's plan.

"Our battle will start soon." Lin Tai thought for a while, and then said in his heart: "The question is, how can I buy these people's minds now, after all, the San Felipe galaxy is a religious atmosphere An overly rich place..."

Seeing Selster walk in, Lin Tai didn't turn around, but just turned his back to Selster and asked, "How is 24 doing outside now?"

"Your Majesty the King of Light, a large number of troops from the wild galaxy have completely surrounded Cook Planet. Because of the threat of food and enemies, the people on the planet are panicking, and they are no longer a team that can fight."

What he said is indeed true. Many people on Cook Planet have lost the courage to resist the enemy, and they all have no confidence in themselves.

And Lin Tai also knows this.


After thinking for a while, Lin Tai still said: "Even so, I still don't want to do anything."


Celeste asked with some doubts.

"Because that dragon is coming soon!"

Lin Tai said: "I need to reserve a certain amount of magic power in order to fight the dragon, otherwise, I don't know if I am its opponent.

"I understand." Selster nodded.

Of course, things can't be like this. In fact, if Lin Tai just needs to kill the enemy, neither Thor nor Linglong is his opponent.

But the problem is, what Lin Tai wants to do is not to kill the enemy!

Now his plan is still in the process of development, and the opponents are all his subordinates, what Lin Tai has to do is actually to win the trust of some people.

Soon, seeing that he could not get any useful information from Lin Tai, Celest left, and told the higher-ups what he had seen and heard.

This time, the upper-level people also gathered together, including Remedio, Melgreens, and some other nobles. These people now have the right to attack with an intelligent army.

Now they gathered together to discuss a little bit about what might happen next, whether to escape or stick to this planet, and fight to the death with the army of the wild galaxy here.

"I knew this guy was unreliable at all!" At this time, Erremedio let out a roar, and she said angrily: "It's such a dangerous battle, but that damn monster doesn't want to help at all, it's really disgusting up!"

And the storm knight Melgreens standing beside Remedio said: "Even so, our choice remains the same!"

"Whether or not the King of Light will participate in this battle now, we all need to decide for ourselves whether to fight or flee! This is not something that others can choose!"

"That's right, what you said is absolutely right!" A nobleman on the side also quickly flattered Melgreens in front of him.

Melgreens was very grateful for this, but seeing their state, Remedio suddenly frowned.

"Now we must fight on!"

Remedio thought for a while, and then said: "Now our people have been brainwashed by that monster, and they all think he is right! If we want to bite and regain the credibility of our galaxy, we must guard them here, and The enemy fights to the death!"

"But in this case, our soldiers are likely to suffer heavy casualties!"

The nobleman immediately argued: "And if 817 fails, we will all die here!"

"Are you afraid?" Remedio asked immediately.

"how can that be?"

The noble also wanted to argue, and he immediately said: "I'm just considering the overall situation now, we can't afford to lose another powerful combatant!"

These people were arguing, but they obviously didn't deliberately avoid Celeste who was on the side.

Because the current Lin Tai didn't go to meet these people, they all want to tell these things to the King of Light on the opposite side through the existence of Celeste, so as to realize the mutual communication of information

Of course, Lin Tai is actually unnecessary, because he can already monitor most of the places on this planet, and the conversations of these people can't get rid of Lin Tai's surveillance.

"Hehe, it's really interesting, are you acting for me here?" The corners of Lin Tai's mouth curled up slightly, he understood. .

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