Originally, Philip had a good plan to increase the output of food and various resources produced in his territory.

But I don't know why, after the implementation of this plan, the output of food and resources in his territory plummeted instead.

Also because of this relationship, the people in the territory have even more contempt and disdain for Philip, the lord, which makes Philip, who is very face-saving, very distressed.

"If you can't increase the output of resources, then you can only expect that the resources in the galaxy will start to become scarce, and then the price of my resources will increase."

Philip said to himself.

But when he was talking like this, a person suddenly came over and said to Philip: "But, Mr. Philip, even if there is a resource crisis in the King Saros galaxy, the price may not necessarily increase!"

"24 huh?"

As soon as he looked up, Philip saw two people walking towards here.

These two people happened to be the people under Lin Tai's control. When they came here, they said to Philip in front of them: "Did you know? In our galaxy, there is a granary of the Holy Light Kingdom!"

That's right, this granary was leased by Lin Tai.

Because the San Felipe galaxy also suffered very serious damage due to the war, Meng Hao, as the most popular person at present, rented a planet in the Wangsaros galaxy close to the San Felipe galaxy. Transport the supplies they need to the San Felipe system.


Suddenly Philip's eyes widened.

Although Lin Tai only owns a small piece of the map, he has produced resources that can only be stored by renting out planets in the San Felipe galaxy. Once the King Saros galaxy enters a state of resource shortage, it is equivalent to Lin Tai's control The pricing power of the resources of the King Saros galaxy.

And these things are obviously all things that Philip wants to do!

After thinking about it for a while, Philip suddenly thought of something. He said to the two people in front of him: "You two [I have ten good things to tell you!"

While they were chatting, Lin Tai took a large number of his troops to the surroundings of the Saros galaxy.

Because of the actions they may have to do in the future, in fact, Lin Tai needs to wipe out all the wild monsters around the King Saros galaxy.

In this way, Lin Tai can grasp the actions of King Saros Galaxy in the following matters.

What appeared in front of Lin Tai was a mass of dark creatures.

They fly in the air, looking like a large group of very huge cetacean creatures, and they have a special luster all over their bodies.

Name: Void Leviathan

Attribute: Universe

Race: Leviathan

Rank: God-level arms

Skills: slightly

Description: A cosmic creature with a very large body. Although its own strength is not particularly powerful, it has a terrifying group ability. In the universe, almost no predators will target them.

At this time, facing a large piece of nothingness Leviathan in front of him, Lin Tai became a little excited.

Of course, he didn't want to kill these creatures, but was going to subdue the one trillion nothingness Leviathans and use them as transport planes in his own universe.

It's just that nothingness Leviathan is not an ordinary life form. Although Lin Tai is very strong, he can't control it directly. He must kill some Liwei first.

At this moment, Lin Tai also immediately summoned a hundred trillion birth and death dragons, and then rushed towards the opponent suddenly.

The Void Leviathan collided with the Birth and Death Dragon in an instant. Because the Void Leviathan had a large size and high HP, it required a one-hundred-to-one battle.

At this time, one hundred trillion birth and death dragons surrounded the other party, and then Lin Tai also said: "Ready to release skills, life-grabbing!"

At present, these birth and death dragons are still in the state of life dragons, so they released their skills on the spot, and countless green silk threads wrapped around the bodies of these void Leviathans in front, and began to draw their lives.

And when he felt that his life was being quickly separated from his body, these Void Leviathans also started to get angry instantly, and on the spot, his huge body slammed into these birth and death dragons in front of him.


Lin Tai immediately gave the order again, controlling the life and death dragons in front of them to retreat rapidly, avoiding the attacks of these Void Leviathans.

Immediately afterwards, these life and death dragons spewed out mouthfuls of green shells towards the front again, hitting the body of Void Leviathan hard.

"Well, it seems that some older ones need to be eliminated, their strength is stronger and their lifespan is shorter, which is more beneficial for me, Liwei!

As he spoke, Lin Tai also aimed at the rear of the Void Leviathan group, and as soon as he raised his hand, countless meteorites fell down. .

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