Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1911: Berserk Fighting Pirates

"Who can tell me, what happened here?"

"Let me do it."

Dracula stood up, and then said to Lin Tai in front of him: "Master Lin Tai, in fact, the relationship between us and the rest of the forces was pretty good before this."

"But one day, someone said that you had disappeared, and the rest of the galaxies and planets started to move around, until one day, a pirate group suddenly declared war on us, and they also announced that anyone with us The forces and spaceships related to the earth will be attacked by them!"

"So it is." "Three Twenty""

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: The player has reached some kind of agreement with them.


At this time, Dracula also continued: "Moreover, there are many people blocking the entrances of some dungeons. As long as they are us earthlings, they will not let us in, and even launch attacks. We have already lost There are many types of troops."

"These guys!"

There was also a trace of anger in Lin Tai's eyes. These guys definitely don't want the earth to rise, and they are probably planning to launch a suppression while the earth has not yet developed much and he is away.

He even dared to hire a pirate group to attack here.

And just when Lin Tai was thinking about how to fight back, suddenly an NPC hero ran in in a panic and said loudly: "No, it's not good, people from the Berserk Pirates came in!"

"Okay, let them come and go!"

Lin Tai let out a roar, and then said directly: "Take us there!"

This hero ignored Lin Tai's order, after all, he was just Tom Leiter's hero and had nothing to do with Lin Tai.

As the so-called vassals of my vassals are not my vassals, even though Tom Leiter is now Lin Tai's subordinate in name, "Lin Tai cannot use his heroes.

Tom Leiter nodded awkwardly at this time, and then said: "Honglian, just listen to him."


After finishing speaking, the group of people followed the hero to the front line, just in time to see the enemy's fleet attacking here at high speed!

What appeared in front of them was a huge cosmic fleet numbering in the tens of thousands. At the same time, there were three warships walking in the forefront, all of which were of mid-god level combat power.

At the same time, there is a large group of god-level troops behind them, but the types are very messy, and it seems that there is no qualified commander.

"This is really the style of pirates. Throw it away after use. There is no faith at all. Even the arms are snatched from other places, right?"

Lin Tai made a disdainful sound.

At the same time, Lin Tai also saw a strange-looking humanoid creature standing on the middle boat.

Its whole body is a monster made up of black mist, and Lin Tai also knows very well that this guy is definitely a mid-god level monster.

"Is that Wilkara Cain?"

Looking at the opponent's name, Lin Tai also basically realized that this guy is not the head of the Berserker Pirates.

Because if you want to form a pirate group, you must at least have the strength of a middle god.

Otherwise, there are so many pirate groups and planets in the universe, do they want to plunder unscrupulously just by relying on a middle god?

It’s just a mere middle god, and on many planets, it’s even possible to be beaten to death by several indigenous middle gods...

"It's just a mere recruit (because the earth server was connected very late) who dares to show off like this!"

At this time, Cain let out a scream of excitement, and then said loudly: "Brothers, wealth is just ahead, kill me! We will have money, wealth, food, and beauties by then!"

As he said that, the three warships rushed towards Lin Tai's position like crazy.

And 10,000 warships followed closely behind, also launching an attack.

"It's you guys who are arrogant!"

At this moment, Lin Tai let out an angry shout, and immediately after that, huge ones appeared in front of Lin Tai one by one.

The green dragon phantom, the lightning giant dragon phantom, and the dark demon god phantom, three army formations composed of one hundred trillion arms appeared in front of Lin Tai.

The moment they appeared, the bodies of the green dragon and the lightning dragon suddenly flipped in the universe, and the terrifying 0.8 power instantly turned the world upside down.

Hundreds of these spaceships in the universe were overturned in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's direct army, the Dark Demon God, also launched a surprise attack forward, and a terrifying long sword fell from the sky, tearing apart the team of the spaceship in an instant.

"This is impossible! Didn't these people just come to the server fusion? Why do there exist high gods?!"

At this moment, Cain let out an unbelievable roar. He absolutely couldn't believe that the earth at this time could actually find a higher god. .

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