This time, the copy that Lin Tai opened was the last wish of the blue dragon, and Lin Tai also triggered a rather special task.

[System prompt: Player Shura has opened a time-limited copy of the last wish of the blue dragon, and the coordinates are XX, XX. Players who want to participate, please go to the Locaster planetary system to gather immediately! 1

Mission Name: Blue Dragon Remnant

Task level: SSS

Mission objective: Obtain the first pass of the dungeon "Blue Dragon Remnant".

Mission reward: Blood of the blue dragon, which can make one of your dragon arms evolve into a blue dragon, and get four matching sub-dragon arms.

Mission description: The master of the undead Scourge once defeated the blue dragon and made it into a bone dragon. Although this is not the base of the undead natural disaster, and there is no blue dragon dragon queen, you can find the blood of a certain blue dragon through the relics left by the undead natural disaster.

"Well, it looks like a good dungeon. I might be able to get a lot of powerful units from here. Besides the blue dragon itself, I can also use the rest of the sub-dragons for others. In this way, both It can improve their strength and ensure that my fighting power is enough to crush them, so I don’t have to worry about rebellion.”

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Tai quickly made up his mind, that's right, he needs to go to this dungeon to find out.

However, there are still many enemies waiting for them at the gate of the dungeon. These people are very targeted at the earth, and they know that getting through such a dungeon can bring people a lot of income.

So there is no doubt that they will not let Lin Tai go in head-on.

In addition, this planetary system named Locaster is a bit too far away from the solar system where Lin Tai is located, so the foreseeable problem is that when Lin Tai wants to go, there must be a large number of people who are already there. Waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

"Hmph, a group of incompetent waste, do you think that stopping me will stop the development of the earth?"

Lin Tai snorted coldly, these lifeless guys must teach them a lesson, otherwise they really think that the earth is so easy to bully.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this kind of thing rarely happens. After all, everyone is acting in the universe, and casual massacres and suppression of novice power servers are ugly.

In addition, if the reputation is too bad, it is likely to cause a joint attack by other people.

But the Earth server is different.

Because the current earth is developing too fast. In less than three years, it has already occupied two planetary systems and one star system. Therefore, there is no doubt that if there are no restrictions, the earth will soon It will become a giant and launch an aggressive war towards the surrounding galaxies.

However, no matter what their reasons are, Lin Tai will not let them go, because Lin Tai himself is a terrifying person.

"Woshinovsky, Thor, you two will stay here this time, and if you have anything to do, please contact me immediately."


These two people also know the current state. The Earth server is hostile by many people, so it is impossible for everyone to leave at once to play a copy.

And now that they stay, others will stay later, which is not unacceptable.

Leaving the earth in a spaceship, Lin Tai took Lei Zhen, Kim Soo Hyun, Tom Leite, Fire Phoenix, and Dracula Dracula to the location of the Locaster planetary system.

Before going too far, a group of very large number of troops appeared in the distance. It seemed to be a kind of soldier named Galaxy Bee. It was not very powerful, but the number was quite terrifying.

The most troublesome thing is that their hives are almost the size of a planet, and they can be used as spaceships to move continuously in the universe, which is an artifact of guerrilla warfare.

But now their purpose is to defend here, only non-earth people can enter.

But Lin Tai didn't choose to launch a surprise attack, but walked up the front with a swaggering 990, as if he didn't pay attention to these guys at all.

However, the opponent did not launch an attack immediately. Seeing Lin Tai coming in person, a group of people soon came out to "greet".

"Hello, Mr. Shura."

This group of people saluted Lin Tai very politely with the etiquette on Earth, and then said: "But I'm sorry, we also know that once the person who triggered the copy gets the first pass, he will get a very powerful amount of power. So in order to maintain the peace of the universe, you are not allowed to enter this time.

"However, we also have two compensation plans for this."

"Oh? A compensation plan?" Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Tell me about it.

"That's right."

The person nodded, and immediately said: "If you are willing to give up this dungeon strategy, then we are willing to give you a certain amount of resources, at least one trillion units

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