Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1924: Destructive Power

Without any hesitation, Lin Tai raised his hand at the same time on the spot, and a force of darkness attached to this thunder light, transforming it into a magic thunder.

Immediately afterwards, a magic thunder hit the opponent's body heavily.

This sky thunder shattered the black shadow summoned by the high priest of the undead on the spot, and the righteousness in it overflowed, causing severe damage to the enemy on the spot.

Then, the slow buried breath also came first, hitting the body of the high priest of the undead.

This attack also made it burn all over, and it was obviously suffered a very serious injury.

Seeing this scene, the others were also very envious of Dracula, because Lin Tai gave him such a powerful unit as soon as he came back, and the number was a total of one hundred and fifty trillion, which was quite terrifying.

But they are not jealous, they know that Dracula can get Lin Tai's favor, that is because in 843 he became a fanatic of Lin Tai and dedicated everything to Lin Tai.

If they do the same, Lin Tai will naturally help them become stronger, but for now they don't want to.

After all, it is their idea that they would rather be a snake than a dog in front of others.

But now it is precisely because of this that they have lost a chance to become stronger.

Undoubtedly, with this blow, Lin Tai Ludgula's black flying dragon caused quite terrifying damage.

Immediately afterwards, they also continued to rush up, just in time to see a holy sword appearing in a Lin Tai's hand.

Since the high priest of the undead was hit by the attack just now, and was attacked one after another, its life value has now been reduced to less than 30%.

Although Lin Tai still wants to continue to run in with them, he still wants to compete for the first kill, so at this time, he is undoubtedly ready to end the battle.

The thunder and lightning dragon in the sky suddenly turned into a slashing angel, and at the same time, the giant sword in his hand hit the high priest of the undead fiercely.


The high priest of the undead let out a wail on the spot.

Because Lin Tai's attack had the effect of beheading with residual blood, coupled with the huge gap in strength between the two sides, the high priest of the undead was killed in this instant.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai punched forward again, shattering a phantom in the air.

"Damn guy!"

At this moment, the phantom reunited after being dispersed, and said to Lin Tai, "I will definitely make you pay the price!

"Okay, it's over."

Lin Tai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Clean the battlefield.

Of course, the battlefield still needs to be cleaned up.

Because the corpses of the enemy's arms are also god-level arms, so after a little collection, the things you get are also god-level materials, so naturally it is impossible to just give up like this

In their hands, everything left over from this battle was quickly cleaned up.

Then Lin Tai also took them, ready to open the things dropped by the high priest of the dead (ceah).

Although a middle god in itself is nothing to Lin Tai, but now this is a dungeon, and it is also a war dungeon, so the enemy is likely to drop some useful things.

So Lin Tai also had patience, stepped forward to pick up the drop of the high priest of the undead, and then revealed it to the eager eyes of the surrounding companions.

First of all, the first one, the undead battle flag.

Name: Banner of the Undead

Type: Consumables

Tier: Medium Artifact

Effect: After use, double the attributes of all undead enemies around you, but the rewards for killing enemies will also be doubled.

Description: This is a banner used to increase the attributes of the enemy, but if you pay, you will gain. If you use a medium artifact to strengthen the enemy, you can also get very valuable rewards.

"Um..... Can this thing really work?"

At this time, seeing what Lin Tai opened, Kim Soo Hyun couldn't help complaining: "Doubling the enemy's attributes, and this time we encountered a war dungeon, the first boss is the middle god, In the end, what if we encounter a boss at the high god level?"

"Haha, are you stupid?" Tom Leite on the side had a brighter mind, and he immediately said: "This thing, we only need to use it when the boss is about to die, and then we only need to kill a little blood! "

"Oh, there is such a usage!"

When others were discussing how to use this thing, Lin Tai suddenly took out the second thing.

What Lin Tai got from touching the corpse this time seemed to be a piece of equipment, which looked like a knife.

Name: Death Saber

Tier: Medium Artifact

Type: Weapon

Attack power: very low

Effect: After use, increase the attributes of all undead units of one's side by 100%, increase the recovery speed of HP by 100%, and all damage received will reduce the value equivalent to B9% of one's own attack.

Description: This is a saber that his master still wields in death, until the last vestige of life is exhausted. .

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