For this strategy, Lin Tai's pricing is 100 trillion energy crystals, and a total of 300 trillion other resources.

To be fair, this price is very expensive for ordinary people.

But who is Lin Tai's competitor this time? This is a group of super masters who own many planetary systems, even star systems.

This little money is nothing to them.

So now, Lin Tai just put what he got into the world chat, and it was noticed by many people in an instant.

Seeing that Lin Tai has finished fighting the first boss, all the other players are very anxious!

They thought of removing all the guard posts, but in this way, when facing the final boss, they always suffered huge losses due to the mutation of the enemy

In order not to affect the subsequent battles, they chose to start over again and again, but every time they were hit hard by the phantom that appeared after the death of the last boss.

And Lin Tai's reminder to them this time is actually to kill the phantom that everyone thought was the plot before it moves.

Since Lin Tai also signed a non-disclosure agreement, those who bought these items could not tell others, so more than 100 people bought them soon, and the rest were either cursing or saying that their resources were not enough. of.

Lin Tai closed the world chat, and then began to study the next battle.

After walking another distance, they suddenly saw a group of huge stone men appearing in front of them.

At this time, these stone men were looking at them, and immediately waved.

Since the stone man is a fairly gentle creature, it is not an enemy to many kinds of creatures, and it will hardly attack any creature, so the team is not very wary.

At this moment, they walked up immediately.

"A group of adventurers!"

The moment they saw them, these stone men laughed happily, and quickly said: "Is it because people outside have discovered our situation here?"

"Yes, are there going to be many powerful people coming to help us soon?"

"Perhaps not so."

Lin Tai shook his head.

Although Lin Tai itself is very strong, the strong man mentioned by the stone titan here actually refers to the Supreme God, so Lin Tai didn't say much.

He then went on to explain: "We just stumbled across the entrance here.

"That would be such a pity!"

Stone Titan immediately shook his head, and then let out a heavy sigh.

Then, Lin Tai also continued: "But we are also an elite team, I wonder if we can give the task to us?"


The stone titan looked at Lin Tai in front of him and several other people around him, then pointed to Lin Tai and Dracula and said: "You two are not bad, but they are too weak gone."

"However, we haven't seen anyone outside for a long time. Now even if your strength is mediocre, we have to ask for your help."

The stone titan immediately said: "Our current situation is very bad, as long as you can bring some crystal nuclei of the undead generals, you can gain our trust."


From the mouths of these stone titans, several people learned about the current situation on the side of the undead.

At this time, the master of the undead natural disaster is no longer here, but what exists in this place is a large number of undead generals at the middle god level, and a death dominator at the upper god level.

And this time the player's final task in the dungeon is to kill the Death Dominator.

Then, it is very likely that a special plot will be triggered, and the master of the undead natural disaster, the phantom of the supreme god will appear.

Then the players were defeated, and finally the Blue Dragon Dragon King appeared to deal with the enemies, and established a certain connection with the players.

In fact, the favorability of the Dragon King is still very difficult to gain. As long as you can get even a little favorability from the Dragon King, you will be regarded as a guest in the Dragon Clan's territory, welcomed, and on an equal footing with the Dragon Warrior.

But Lin Tai is not only ready to have a good relationship with the Dragon Clan, what he really wants is to get the prince and princess who have the blood of the Dragon King as his heroes.

As for the dragon queen, only the black dragon 2.5 dragon queen who has escaped from the dragon clan and hid, and the blue dragon dragon queen who has become a bone dragon has the opportunity to subdue it.

The ruler of the red dragon is herself a queen, and her consort is a group of red dragon warriors. And the dragon queens of the bronze dragon and the green dragon are all good, how could they be dominated by the players?

Don't think about Dragon Kings, these Dragon Kings are super bosses of the highest god level, and they are responsible for guarding the balance of this universe. Once they are contracted by players, there will be big problems in this universe!

Of course, if players can surpass the level of "God", they can completely create heroes of the Dragon King and Dragon Queen level by their own strength, but at that time, the opponent is not considered to be the top combat power. .

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