Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1929: Undead Aggregator

After changing things, Lin Tai also looked at the rock titan in front of him and said, "Besides killing the undead general, is there anything else we can do to help you?"

"Yes, there is one thing I need your help with."

The rock titan nodded, and then said: "The person in charge of controlling this group of undead generals is an undead aggregator. It has now hidden itself in a special space. I hope you will find it and kill it. It will never die." future trouble."

The rock titan took out something and handed it to Lin Tai in front of him.

Name: space penetrator

Type: Consumables

Tier: Medium Artifact

Effect: Destroy a specific space, allowing you to find the hiding place of the Undead Aggregator.

Description: Rock is a special product of the titan family. It is said that it can break through the space, but whether it is useful or not still needs to be tried by yourself.

"Uh... Although this description is not very friendly, since it appears here, it should be useful.

As he spoke, Lin Tai also put it in his hand.

Seeing that Lin Tai accepted it, the rock titan at 137 also said: "It is very difficult for us to produce this thing, you only have three chances to use it, so you must kill the undead aggregation during this time By."

"Well, I see."

Nodding his head, Lin Tai also said, "Where are the coordinates of this guy?"

"At [xx, xx], go as soon as possible. The coordinates are only valid for two hours. Once the time passes, the undead gatherers may change their location

"it is good."

After speaking, Lin Tai led the six people towards the coordinates given by the rock titan.

In their eyes, a spot soon appeared, and they just saw a thing like a shrunken flower floating in front of them out of thin air.

And around here, there are still ten undead generals guarding, with (cefc) one hundred trillion undead arms around them.

"Well, there are indeed enemies defending here."

He nodded, and at the same time, a rather weird force zone suddenly appeared on Tai's body.

He waved his hand forward, and immediately everyone rushed up, a large number of troops were summoned, and immediately began to attack the one hundred trillion undead in front of him.


These ten undead generals all roared, and then rushed towards the enemy in an instant.

But Lin Tai didn't give them a chance to attack.

As soon as the black mist on Lin Tai's body moved, eight undead generals were bound together in an instant, and then hit the ground hard, as if they were entangled and unable to move.

As for the remaining two, Dracula rushed forward very consciously.

He also wanted to understand that these two undead generals were relatively weak among the middle gods, so Lin Tai deliberately left two for him to practice.

Dracula's body was covered in a layer of blood, and the moment he became a vampire, at the same time, a pair of daggers in his hand suddenly swung forward, blocking the attack of one of the undead generals.

And at another moment when he attacked him, Dracula's body turned into countless bats, and then used this method to avoid the opponent's attack.

Then the bats attacked the two undead generals in front of them.

Although each of the countless attacks is only 10% of Dracula's own damage, since there are 100 of them, the damage is equivalent to a tenfold increase.

But the attack didn't last long.

At this time, the enemy suddenly launched an attack, a layer of undead breath wrapped around their two weapons, and then launched a range attack towards the front.

This blow hit Dracula in front of him on the spot, and Dracula also chose to back away in an instant to avoid the attack.

Then, Dracula also took a big step back, and at the same time burst forward with a burst of strength.

All the little bats acted as human bombs, and the dark power released from them slammed into the two undead generals.

"bang bang bang"

The two undead generals were attacked all over their bodies, and immediately their bodies flew upside down and fell to the ground fiercely.

Then, the pale Dracula landed on the ground, while the two undead generals in front of him fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Dracula rushed up in an instant, and a broken sword in his hand quickly cut off the bones at the necks of the two undead generals, killing them.

"Well, well done."

Lin Tai also stretched out his hand and grabbed it out of thin air, instantly killing the remaining eight undead generals in front of him.

"Come on, let's go in."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tai also took out the space destroyer given to him by the rock titan from his backpack, and used it directly on it.

At this moment, the strange hole in front of Lin Tai opened, and then Lin Tai walked in directly "and several other people behind it also followed in one after another.

What appeared in front of them was a thick purple fog. .

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