Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

1949Th Battle: Undead Scourge

At this moment, a terrifying black burst out from Lin Tai's fist, and then he saw that the body of the old Khan in front of him exploded directly.

Countless special divine powers directly diffused from the opponent's body, and rushed towards the surroundings in an instant.

Then, suddenly the remaining five crystals all exploded.

"How is this going?"

And the explosion of these crystals also caused terrible damage to other people's units in an instant. In an instant, millions of units in front of them were directly killed by the explosion.

Fortunately, it is only a few million, which is a drop in the bucket for everyone now.

"Be careful, this guy has been controlled, we need to kill it immediately!"

As he said that, Lin Tai directly controlled his army and charged forward.

At the same time, he raised his hand abruptly, grabbed the opponent's body, and immediately began to absorb the vitality of the old Khan in front of him.

"Go away!"

And the controlled old Khan suddenly 133 raised his hand and hit Lin Tai.

When both sides are high-ranking gods, even though Lin Tai, an ancient god, is stronger than a common high-ranking Shendu of the same level, Lin Tai still has to guard against the attack of another high-ranking god.

At this time, Lin Tai dodged the opponent's attack on the spot, and at the same time other people came here, only to see that Lin Tai had made his three army formations burst out the strongest attack at the same time, and landed on the opponent's body.

It's just that the current old Khan is the boss of the dungeon, and has a special buff that boosts all attributes in the dungeon. Now Lin Tai alone is difficult to kill him in a short time.

"You also start attacking quickly, this guy..."

Before Lin Tai could finish speaking, the tauren old Khan in front of everyone's eyes suddenly exploded, and at the same time a strange force appeared on him.

Immediately afterwards, a (cefd) large group of arms appeared beside it.

These arms are all tauren undead. Unlike the ones encountered before, these undead still have obvious characteristics of tauren on their bodies. It can be seen that they may have just become undead not long ago.

And at the same time when the units were summoned, it can be seen that the tauren old Khan used the army formation on the spot, and a very huge skeleton tauren appeared in the sky above the army formation

At the same time, a horn-like mark appeared on the top of the Tauren Old Khan's head, indicating that the current Tauren Old Khan's attributes have been increased by 30%, and the cooling time of all skills has been reduced by 30%.

"What a nuisance."

Lin Tai couldn't help but spit, and at the same time, a burst of black flames ignited all over his body, and the phantom of the Demon Thunder Dragon in front of him also acquired the fire attribute at the same time.

"I'll hold back the army formation and the boss, you guys get rid of his troops as quickly as possible!"

That's right, even if an army formation is formed, individual arms will still be hurt.

Moreover, when the damage to the individuals of the arms is particularly high, they will not be able to withstand the pressure and be destroyed, which will cause the army formation to collapse.

At present, Lin Tai is pursuing this idea. He simultaneously drags the Tauren Old Khan and his army formation, and then asks his other helpers to kill the individual arms that form the army formation.

Thinking of this, Lin Tai also raised his hand in an instant, controlling the phantom of the demon thunder dragon and colliding with the phantom of the old Khan's undead tauren.

"Boom boom boom..."

There were terrifying crashing sounds, and immediately after, a very huge hammer appeared in Lin Tai's hand, and he smashed it down at the tauren old Khan in front of him.


A gray totem pole appeared in the hands of the tauren old Khan.

It's just that this totem pole seems to be made entirely of white bones, with light blue flames shining on it.

"Undead Artifact?"

Lin Tai nodded, and at the same time his body turned on the spot, and the sledgehammer in his hand fell towards the chest of the tauren old Khan again.

At the same time, the Army Array Demon Thunder Dragon summoned by Lin Tai let out a roar, and its right claw was instantly magnified more than ten times, hitting the Tauren Undead Army Array hard, knocking it into the air.

And after this blow, the power of darkness and the power of fire on the Demon Thunder Dragon disappeared at the same time, and it turned back into the Thunder Dragon controlled by Twist again.

The opponent was knocked back on the spot by this blow, and when he staggered back, he was also attacked by other earth players from all directions.

The hero skill of the upper god is much stronger than that of the lower god, which makes it difficult for the other players' arms to cause enough damage to the undead tauren.

But the number of arms of the other five people is quite large, and now they form an army formation, and they are in a state of being unable to fight back, so they were really suppressed in an instant

"Damn human, I have already been appreciated by the gods, and I will never let you stop me!"

There was another roar, and the tauren old Khan's body suddenly began to swell. .

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