At this time, a few people were walking ahead, and they just saw a strange figure following behind them.

This figure is definitely not a rock titan lord, nor is it another rock titan, because Lin Tai can see that it looks very small, even only half the size of a person.

"Is the existence of the middle god level using the stealth skill?"

Lin Tai nodded slightly, and then observed the other party again, and at the same time began to accumulate strength on his body.

Suddenly, he saw Lord Rock Titan's eyes move, and at the same time, the little shadow following them rushed towards them quickly.

This little shadow is not only invisible, but also silent when launching a charge. If it weren't for Lin Tai's very keen senses, he might not even be able to detect its existence.


Lin Tai let out a roar suddenly, and then the chains of resentment wrapped around several people in front of him.

Lin Tai's body flew into the air quickly, leading the others out of this area.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai was also floating in the air, looking at the rock in front of him. Lord Titan was looking at his group.

It's just that at this moment, Lin Tai suddenly felt that the gravity around him became much stronger.

Then I heard the rock titan in front of him suddenly say: "Hmph, I interrupted my resurrection plan, do you still want to leave?"

Saying that, it also punched towards Lin Tai suddenly, and at the same time, the black shadow in front of it rushed up quickly.

"Sure enough, this matter has nothing to do with the natural disaster of the undead, it's just you playing tricks from the beginning to the end""!"

As he said that, Lin Tai also waved the commandment in his hand directly.

The precepts turned into a sledgehammer at this time, and collided head-on with the huge fist of the rock titan leader.

During the lifetime of "Boom", Lin Tai's body was shaken back several steps, and at the same time, the rock titan lord charged up again, his body suddenly turned into a huge meteorite.

"A meteorite impact?"

Lin Tai sneered, and at the same time activated his own skills, the asteroid rushed.

In an instant, Lin Tai summoned an asteroid in front of him, and directly collided with the body of the rocky titan lord.

Both sides fell down at the same time.

However, the asteroid summoned by Lin Tai automatically disbanded and disappeared halfway through the impact, while the body of the rock lord titan landed steadily on the ground, splashing countless sands and at the same time, also smashing out a giant asteroid on the ground. pit!

"With a bit of ability, I can guess my plan."

Lord Rock Titan did not continue to attack, but said: "Then, do you know what I did?"


Lin Tai nodded, and then directly said to the people behind him: "Summon your troops, protect yourself, and then come to support me when the time is right. This guy is also a BOSS."

After finishing speaking, he also quickly came to the rock lord titan, and the judgment in his hand collided with the rock titan lord's fist again.

Both sides took a few steps back at the same time.

After standing up again, Lin Tai said to the rock lord titan in front of him: "Your deep sleep has nothing to do with the undead disaster, it's just the price of your own depravity and unwillingness to become a puppet of the ancient gods."

As he said that, Lin Tai rushed forward again, and the sledgehammer in his hand began to collide with the fist of the rock lord titan one after another.

It's just that neither side fought with all their strength.

The same is true for Lord Rock Titan. When Lin Tai was fighting, it still had enough momentum and strength to speak.

~You are right, all of this is my fault!"

The rock titan lord said with a smile: "When the true god left us, I was in great pain! But I still decided to protect the true god's legacy!"

The "true god" that the rock titan lord said was actually the titan god.

It's just that the Titan God he talks about is not the same as Lin Tai's Titan arms. In fact, the Titan God is a special god bandit that comes when life has not yet been born in this universe and escapes from chaos.

They are entirely made of metal, and possess terrifying power. Even the weakest existence in this race is also the supreme god.

And these titan gods created many special things in this universe (of Zhao Hao), such as rock titans, metal warriors, elemental creatures and other very special things. They have self-awareness, but they do not have "life" judgment.

It's just that their existence has aroused the attention and fear of the original gods in the universe, Di Li Mo and Kongshen. Because of the relationship between the universe, these titan gods finally chose to leave their things and leave this place.

After that, Emperor Limo and Sky God began to create their own creatures in the universe, such as giant dragons and Zerg, which were the war machines they created at the beginning.

However, the arrival of the ancient gods awakened these creatures created by the Titan gods. .

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