Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1977: The Meat Grinder

As Lin Tai said, it is impossible to block the alien attack with only tanks.

Although metals and elements can prevent the blood-sucking effect of aliens, they are undoubtedly not opponents of enemies with five times the full attributes.

"Prepare all units with long-range attacks!"

At this time, another high god said: "Use long-range arms to fight against the opponent, and use our numerical advantage to destroy them!"

"Melee units with flesh and blood should not be sent to fight the opponent. In the case of 1000% blood-sucking effect, flesh and blood creatures can only be the opponent's blood recovery pack!"

What they said still makes sense.

So soon most of the players started to make their own arrangements.

The steel-bodied alien high priest also let out a roar, saying: "Erlangs, launch a charge for me, and slaughter these lifeless prey that have invaded our homeland!"

The moment 24 Hua said it, countless aliens rushed towards the player's unit in front of him.

"It's finally about to start, this is a super battle, even if I haven't seen many of them.

There are thousands of god-level existences, and each of them has at least ten trillion arms. At this time, the number of arms has basically exceeded the calculation limit of normal people. It is even a meat grinder that even underestimates the other party. This is simply a city. Flesh Crusher!

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lin Tai. All Lin Tai needs is the Touch of Darkness that he will eventually get. Besides, it doesn't matter how many other players or units die.

And now, Lin Tai also took out some things and started to make them in the dream world

"Charge, block their attack!"

The soldiers on the player's side rushed forward in an instant.

Of course, compared with the aliens, there are various types of arms on the player's side. Since each person's arms are different, so now we can only pile up a large number of messy arms and use the numbers to resist these enemies. s attack.

"Clang clang..."

As countless creatures continued to collide, Lin Tai saw that the aliens with five times the full attributes began to quickly kill the tank units in front of them.

These tank units are still very powerful, but they really can't stand against enemies with five times the attributes! Fortunately, there are still a very large number of other units.

But the player's arms are born in quantity.

"When you go up, all the units that can block your figure will be blocked!"

While the tank units were blocking the aliens in front, Lin Tai saw the same large number of mage units gathered in the rear.

The number of these arms exceeds trillions, and they are still standing together, with a rather special-looking staff appearing in their hands.

The staffs in the hands of all the legal units were stretched together, bursts of very special rays of light gathered on the staffs, and then suddenly fired a very huge elemental ball towards the front.

These elemental balls are composed of various spells. The utilization rate of magic itself is 0.73%, but because the amount of magic elements contained in it is too large, the power is very terrifying.

If an ordinary magician uses a magic with a power of only 0.73%, then the power must be a weak explosion, and even a twelfth-order creature can't be killed in ten minutes.

But now, the number of magical units that Lin Tai saw exceeded one trillion trillion, and there were several middle gods and upper gods who were constantly absorbing the power of elements from the universe, which led to an extremely high utilization rate. The power of the low magic began to become quite terrifying.


Suddenly, one of the commanding high gods let out a loud roar, and then the elemental ball was thrown out directly, and flew straight towards the lineup where the alien was.

But at this moment, Lin Tai saw another figure making a move. It was the powerful monster created by the magic hub, the steel-bodied alien high priest.

In Lin Tai's eyes, the 277 steel-bodied alien high priest who was originally a magic class turned his hands into two blood-red giant blades, and then suddenly slashed at the magic ball.


The magic ball absorbed the energy of a large number of units. Now even Lin Tai, the high god-level ancient Shendu, dare not go head-to-head, but the steel-bodied alien high priest really hit it off!


Although Lin Tai couldn't hear the sound of the outside world, he could imagine how terrifying the explosion was just by looking at the power of the explosion.

I am afraid that without the existence of divine power, even the existence of the peak level of the twelfth step will be directly shocked to death by this level of explosion!

"It's really scary. I never imagined that players can play like this. It's even stronger and more powerful than the light element I played in the PVE universe."

Thinking of this, Lin Tai couldn't help but said: "It's so exciting!"

That's right, Lin Tai hasn't found a happy feeling for a long time now, that is, now that all attributes are suppressed, it feels so interesting. .

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