Of course it wasn't sneaking in quietly, Lin Tai chose to sneak in openly and openly.


At this time, a person directly stopped Lin Tai who wanted to enter the Galakrond galaxy, and said, "Stop, who are you?"

"I'm a player who has just joined the server integration, and I'm a Shadow Star."

Lin Tai said nonsense: "I had a problem with the strongest player on our server, he wanted to kill me, so I fled here ahead of time, I heard that you have a lot of people in the Yuxing Alliance, and you are very hospitable, so I want to Let's see if I can join you."

If an ordinary person said this, he must be mentally ill.

But Lin Tai's current purpose is to get involved, and he will not seek any future and development in the Yuxing Alliance, so he is talking nonsense.

And such remarks make it easier for Lin Tai to look like a guy without a city.

Will Yuxing Alliance accept foreign players?

Of course it will.

Because each player is a resource, an arsenal that can carry arms and move around, unlike NPCs who have to carry their own medical types anytime and anywhere.

"Well, judging by your appearance, it is true that your whole body exudes a dark aura, and it is also of the dark attribute."

The gatekeeper looked at Lin Tai for a while, then nodded, and said, "If you use the dark attribute well, you can be regarded as a surprise soldier. Maybe in the future, when our Yuxing Alliance raids the enemy, you can lead a surprise attack force." Go to the opponent's base to launch a surprise attack with the arms."

"It can still be like this." Lin Tai touched his head.

"Hmph, you just joined the server fusion, so it's normal to not understand anything." The player at the gate said: "We have a hotel in the Yuxing Alliance for most players, and you can bind a teleportation point here."

"thank you."

Lin Tai also exchanged a few words with the other party, and then came to this hotel.

In a room of the hotel, Lin Tai bound his teleportation point, and then released his consciousness to look down in the air, waiting to see if there is a high god in this cosmic alliance. .

"Sure enough, they are still present. There are at least three upper gods in this Yuxing Alliance, but their strengths are relatively average. They should not be able to do anything to me."

Lin Tai nodded slightly, and then also recorded the situation and terrain of the Cosmic Star Alliance from above, and then left here from another direction.

Lin Tai first came to a strange planet.

This planet is relatively close to the Cosmic Alliance, and it is also in the Galakrond galaxy. It is a suitable choice. Lin Tai is going to attract a wave of monsters to the Cosmic Alliance.

Most of the people living here are Perissa.

Perissa is a special monster that lives in the universe and regards planets and asteroids as bird's nests. They have intelligence that does not belong to most intelligent life forms, and they are very cruel and vicious.

The level of Perissa on this planet and its vicinity is very high, and there are three high gods among them, so the Cosmic Alliance has not dared to provoke them so far

After all, Perissa's strength is also terrifying, and there are also a lot of them, so it is difficult for ordinary arms to compete with them, and the Yuxing Alliance has never provoked them

"But I'm not these trash from the Yuxing Alliance."

Lin Tai smiled, and then directly took out a long gun from his backpack.

The spear was wrapped around Lin Tai's arm, and countless thunder lights spread wildly towards the surroundings.

Lin Tai has his own grasp, this blow can attract enough Perissa.

The moment Lin Tai thought of this, he threw out the long spear in his hand, and at the same time, an almost endless amount of thunder light spread wildly towards the surroundings.

A large number of Perissa were directly beaten into residual blood. At the same time, Lin Tai pointed again, and suddenly a thunderbolt fell, smashing a leader-level Perissa's egg into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai grabbed a lot of Perissa's eggs, and launched the teleportation without hesitation, allowing him to return to the station of the Yuxing Alliance.

At the same time, Lin Tai also put the eggs in his hands to different positions. These things are contaminated with a lot of Perissa's breath, and they can quickly find this place along the smell.

Perissa is a monster, and the monster's IQ is quite low, so as long as they are photographed, there is no doubt that the Cosmic Star Alliance will launch a terrifying attack in a short period of time.

And when the time comes, everyone in the Yuxing Alliance will be dragged down by monsters, so Lin Tai can start to implement his revenge plan.

Soon, a large number of Perissa flew towards the station of the Yuxing Alliance from all directions.

And when he found a large number of monsters attacking the garrison, the city guard in the garrison was stunned. He didn't expect such an enemy to exist.

They have been with Perissa for a long time, and have never dared to attack. Who would have thought that they would attack on their own initiative today!.

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