"Damn it, this guy is going berserk, what's going on?"

Yuxing Zhanqi said loudly: "Everyone retreats immediately, the upper gods step up, and all summon the army formation!"

At this time, several high gods from the Shiyu Star Alliance have returned, and there are currently five high gods in this place. Although they are all relatively weak high gods without god positions, their combined strength cannot be underestimated.

"Army, appear!"

The moment Yuxing Zhanqi uttered these words, the five high gods all summoned their one hundred trillion troops, and then formed an army formation one by one.

These five titans are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It seems that their strengths are relatively monotonous, but they have unique elemental powers, and they are still very powerful when combined with each other.

Lin Tai saw the golden titan rushing up, led by countless metal titan units, it swung its huge fist, and hit the body of the cosmic glutton in front of him heavily.

When the metal titan is in melee physical attack, its overall attributes will be greatly improved, and it has terrifying power, so it can cause strong damage to cosmic gluttons.

Suddenly, the cosmic glutton was beaten back a short distance.

Immediately afterwards, the fire titan at the back gathered his hands together, and then spewed out a terrifying flame in front of him.

At this moment, the cosmic glutton suddenly opened his mouth, and swallowed the flames spewed out by Miejianren in one gulp.

After devouring the flames, the cosmic glutton's overall attributes increased by ten percent, and he also gained flame resistance.

The cosmic glutton's body was covered by a ball of flames, and then he hit the opposite army formation fiercely, knocking out the golden titan on the spot.

And Lin Tai secretly left a certain distance, taking advantage of the Cosmic Gluttony being stopped by the people of the Yuxing Alliance, and quietly angered the alliance warehouse of the Yuxing Alliance.

"Oh, it's really a combination of many servers, it's so much richer than my family!"

Lin Tai stuffed a lot of things into his backpack without hesitation, including not only various collected resources, but also monster drops, and even some special outputs

It's a pity that these are all peripheral things, and more good things are only inside the warehouse, but now this is still a private area of ​​the Yuxing Alliance, even if Lin Tai wants to go in, he can't do it.

But now, Lin Tai looked at the situation outside, and after thinking for a while, he also came to another place, and casually took out the cosmic glutton's egg from his backpack.

"Linglong, cooperate with me and use the power of dreams to create an egg."

"it is good."

As they said that, the two people raised their hands at the same time, and bursts of purple aura fell on the cosmic glutton's egg. It immediately began to vibrate, and then a special individual was copied and landed on the cosmic glutton's egg. In front of Lin Tai.


Lin Tai suddenly threw out the egg in his hand. At this time, the cosmic glutton saw it at a glance, but at the moment when the cosmic glutton wanted to get back his egg, suddenly the body of the earth titan fell from the It got out of the ground and grabbed its lower body.


The cosmic glutton let out an angry roar, but before he had time to react, he was hit by the fist of the water titan again.

...asking for flowers...

"Heh, do you want your own eggs?"

Lin Tai smiled, and then directly grasped the void with his right hand, and the egg was crushed and exploded on the spot. Although it was forged with the power of dreams, the egg liquid still splattered everywhere.


The cosmic glutton uttered an angry roar, and in an instant bursts of terrifying aura erupted from his body, and the violent aura even directly shattered the upper body of the earth titan.

Immediately afterwards, it grabbed the body of the golden titan again, and then hit its chest with its head, directly flying out ten pieces of metal seats.


"Very well, let's destroy this place!"

Seeing that the cosmic glutton had completely lost control, Lin Tai also hid again, and then began to move towards the lobby of the Cosmic Alliance.

As long as the hall is destroyed, their alliance warehouse will be completely turned into ruins, and the original authority will be out of control. Lin Tai can take as much as he wants at that time.

But at this moment, a bigger screen suddenly appeared in front of Lin Tai.

Immediately afterwards Lin Tai saw a figure appearing here.

At this time, the figure of Yuxing Tianhuang, the second in command of the Yuxing Alliance, appeared on the big screen, and beside him was an upper god who obviously had great power.

"This is the God of Nature, Selyulum." Lin Tai frowned slightly, "It is said that Selyulum has territories in three star systems, and can also mobilize the power of nature. He is quite difficult to deal with."

"Hmph, this time, although I don't know who is behind the scenes, but the key thinks that this way we can defeat our Yuxing Alliance, that's really wishful thinking!".

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