Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1995: Destructive Power

The orc with green flames on his body is named "Zina Cruz", and it is said that he is a very powerful guy.

As for the smaller black dragon, the name on the top of its head was also clearly seen by Lin Tai, it was the black dragon princess Avicina.

This time, Lin Tai looked at the situation in front of him. At this time, the more powerful black dragon queen became the enemy of the black dragon princess and Zena Cruz at the same time.

These two guys coincidentally started a war with the Black Dragon Queen.

First, the black dragon queen hit the black dragon princess with his tail, and then suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of black and red dragon breath containing the power of protecting the earth, and directly hit him in the body of Jiujiang Zena Cruz Sitting red dragon.

"My good daughter, how dare you disobey my mother's order!"

At this time, the Black Dragon Queen said angrily.

"Hmph, mother, you are already too old, you should stop interfering with my big brother and I.

The black dragon princess Avikshina said: "As long as there is no you, we can occupy this place soon."

"Damn it, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have appeared in this world at all!"

As he said that, Aiweixina spewed out another breath of dragon breath on the spot, hitting the body of the Black Dragon Empress head-on, and then [the Black Dragon Empress also bit Aiweishu Xina's Ren.

At this moment, Zena Cruz also appeared here, a green flame appeared in his hand, and then suddenly attacked the black dragon queen in front of him.

"Sure enough, with such powerful evil energy, this guy should be the commander in chief of the orcs here.

Lin Tai looked at the situation in front of him, and was ready to make a move.

At this time, right in front of Lin Tai, the evil energy and the attack of the Black Dragon Princess landed on the body of the Black Dragon Queen at the same time, she uttered a mournful howl, and then flew out directly.

Lin Tai immediately discovered one thing, that is, these two attacks did not cause much damage to the Black Dragon Queen, but instead stimulated some kind of strange energy in the Black Dragon Queen's body, which made her suffer so much .

And this force actually had some kind of inexplicable connection with Lin Tai.

"It's the power of the ancient gods. It seems that I may contract a very powerful hero this time."

Lin Tai smiled slightly, and then saw the body of the Black Dragon Empress slammed to the ground, and then let out a roar suddenly.

"Damn bug, do you really think you can hurt me? I have endured this pain for thousands of years!"

As he said that, the Black Dragon Empress suddenly burst out with a strange attack.

Lin Tai saw that the attack hit Zena Cruz's chest head-on, and Lin Tai heard it let out a painful roar.

"This is what I have refined after being eroded by the curse of the ancient gods for hundreds of years, enjoy it!"

After finishing speaking, the black dragon hit the body of the black dragon princess again with its tail, but the next second, Zena Cruz and the black dragon princess shot without hesitation.

At the cost of their own serious injuries, they hit the Black Dragon Queen's body hard, and their power directly awakened the ancient god's curse sleeping in the Black Dragon Queen's body, and emptied its health on the spot.

"The super boss is dead!"

At this moment, someone among the players let out an exclamation.

The rest of the players all rushed towards the black dragon queen.

...asking for flowers......

According to their understanding, this time the Black Dragon Empress died as a super boss, so a treasure that is very precious to them will inevitably be left behind.

But to the surprise of all the players including Lin Tai, at the moment when these players charged up [Song Ran turned into a black dragon with bones, ten sounds erupted]

"Damn bug, even if I die, my body will not be desecrated by you trash!"

After finishing speaking, there were bursts of terrifying curse positions around the Black Dragon Queen, and all the players who approached were killed, creating a vacuum-like area.

Then the bone dragon transformed from the huge body of the black dragon queen turned around and walked away, apparently wanting to leave this place immediately.

Lin Tai still didn't move forward, he just let the black dragon and dragon queen escape, and it was impossible for other players to catch up with them and get any benefits.

And Lin Tai not only did not go after the black dragon queen, but suddenly re-emerged to the moment of Zena Cruz and the black dragon princess.

At this time, Princess Black Dragon thought she had killed her mother and she was still proud, so she turned against Zena Cruz without hesitation.

"Bug, you dare to challenge the majesty of our Dragon Lord, I will make you pay the price in blood!"

As she said that, Princess Black Dragon rushed towards Zena Cruz in front of her.

At this time, Zena Cruz was injured by the black dragon queen with a curse, his body was about to collapse, and then suddenly fell to the ground.

But at the moment when Zena Cruz was about to be killed by the black dragon princess, a black shadow rushed up and grabbed Zena Cruz's body. .

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