At this moment, Zena Cruz's flesh and blood were corroded by the terrifying green flames.

Amidst bursts of mournful wailing, Zena Cruz's body gradually turned into a piece of white bones and collapsed on the ground.

"Well, you little bug has some skills, you can actually manipulate the power of the ancient gods."

Due to the extremely long distance, Deathwing didn't discover Lin Tai's true identity, and his body gradually descended into this dimension.

"Hahahaha, Nozdormu, Ysera, Malygos, you three are still so cowardly, you don't even have the guts to come out to meet me!"

As he said that, a terrifying power erupted from Deathwing's whole body.

The power of Deathwing not only has the power to protect the earth, but also the power of the ancient gods, but these powers originated from the curse of the ancient gods, Deathwing is still unable to control.

The current Deathwing's only use of the ancient god's curse is to crack the surface of his skin, and then let the ancient god's power in his body attack the enemies that fall on him.

But this level of attack, Deathwing can actually use the power of the guardian of the earth to do it, so the curse of the ancient god is still harmful to it.

At this time, Deathwing's words angered the three dragon kings who were observing here.

Since Lin Tai killed Zina Cruz, the fel energy circle around here has also begun to collapse.

At this time, the three dragon kings, the blue dragon king Malygos, the green dragon queen Ysera, and the bronze dragon king Nozdormu all appeared in front of Deathwing.

"Nefario, you really betrayed..."

At this moment, Malygos looked at Deathwing in front of him, and finally said in disbelief.

Originally, Malygos and Deathwing Neferio were best brothers, but when Neferio went crazy and turned into Deathwing, he killed all of Malygos' spouses and children on the spot.

This also made Malygos completely devastated.

And now Zener Cruz actually still has a little thought, maybe they can restore their relationship with each other, which is actually caused by his decadence for such a long time.

According to Lin Tai's observation, if Malygos doesn't get some surprises in a short period of time, he will probably go crazy and become some kind of monster more terrifying than Deathwing.

Of course, now that Thor is its adoptive son, Malygos actually has some extra sustenance, and it doesn't mean that he is crazy just because he is crazy.

Afterwards, if Lin Tai can rescue the Black Dragon Queen, maybe he can also completely save the Blue Dragon King.

But if Lin Tai can really get the Blue Dragon Queen, he will definitely not return it. After all, this is a powerhouse of the highest god level, how could he just let go of it casually?

It's okay to go back, but the Dragon Clan must pay enough for Lin Tai.

While Lin Tai was thinking wildly, Ysera also said to Malygos: "Malygos, don't fantasize, this guy in front of you is no longer our partner Neferion, he is Deathwing , is one of the culprits who brought disaster to this universe!"

"That's right, poor Malygos, don't expect me anymore, I won't be returning to the Titan's camp no matter what!"

"It is true that they saved us and gave us strength, but our hundreds of thousands of years of protection are enough to return this kindness to them. We don't owe Titans anything!

""~ So let's give up our responsibilities, the Titans are the root cause of the destruction of the universe, our Dragon Clan should be the overlord of the universe, but these damn Titans gave us the responsibility, let us encounter such miserable and desolate things earlier destiny!"

Deathwing became more and more excited as he spoke, and Malygos in front of him gradually began to waver.

That's right, although the power of protection is a very powerful force, it is actually a special limitation.

Power is inherently possessed, which makes the guardian dragons unable to rely on their own strength to improve, and the use of energy itself is relatively rough.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the limitation of the power of protection that the five dragon kings cannot have their own exclusive domains and godheads. Their godheads (dehaozhao) are fixed as the affix "Guardian", although they are considered extremely powerful among the supreme gods, but But it will never be able to break through to a higher level.


Lin Tai sighed slightly. At this time, the sense of oppression brought by Deathwing is definitely not low. If it weren't for the help of the other three dragon kings here, Lin Tai might not be able to resist it.

In fact, the gap between the supreme god and the upper god is basically equivalent to the upper god and the twelfth rank. It is a qualitative gap, and it cannot be piled up solely by quantity.

"Am I really going to fight this terrifying monster later?" Lin Tai questioned himself in his heart, he actually had no confidence at all. .

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