Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2009 Red Dragon, Red Flying Dragon

In the hands of the Red Dragon Queen Laike Straza, this red dragon egg with cracks on the surface slowly split open.

Then Lin Tai saw a young red dragon come out.

It stands to reason that the strength of the red dragon should be at the demigod level as soon as it was born.

But in front of Lin Tai, the young dragon hatched by the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza is only one level...

"Um... If I'm going to restore its vitality..."

Lin Tai's face immediately turned black.

You know, this is not an ordinary life, but a pure descendant of the Dragon King, or a descendant of the Dragon King who was congenitally disadvantaged.

For such a little guy, if he wants to restore his lost vitality, he doesn't know how much resources he will spend. Lin Tai's current net worth is quite rich and it is very painful.

"Don't worry, I won't really let you suffer."

A Laikestraza smiled, and then it gently reached out and touched the young red dragon's forehead.

Immediately, the body of the little red 617 dragon disintegrated directly.


Lin Tai was taken aback.

But soon he knew what Laikestraza wanted to do.

The soul of this red dragon cub suddenly rose into the air, and began to absorb Alaikestraza's power to rapidly expand, finally reaching the size of half an adult dragon.

Lin Tai realized suddenly.

"I see, it's not that I'm a hero, but I found a guardian beast for my territory."

The Territory Guardian Beast is a creature that inhabits the territory.

The territory guardian beast can bring various bonuses to the territory, and can assist the players in the territory to fight. Of course, only Lin Tai, the real master of the territory, can summon the territory guardian beast itself with 100% combat power. Others The summoned ones only have 80% combat effectiveness. (ceah)

But as a direct descendant of the Dragon King, even if it is only 80%, its strength is strong enough.

The original Lin Tai's territory guardian beast was a panda, a half-length creature, but it is not very easy to use now.

Lin Tai has always wanted to change to a stronger territory guardian beast, but each replacement has a long cooling time, and Lin Tai is worried that he will find a better one later, so he has not really decided on it.

And now it's not bad to have such a little guy as his territory guardian beast, the only trouble is that he can't get a combat unit.

However, it is also very important for a powerful guardian beast and its units to guard in the territory. After all, Lin Tai also has a lot of enemies now, and some units will definitely need to be guarded in the territory by then.

"Forget it, that's good too. In this way, you can also use the territory mission to restore it to its original source."

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai took out another unit from his Qiankun world, which is the world tree he obtained before.

Of course it's not the real World Tree, but a super-evolved version of the Ancient God Tree of War, a World Tree seedling with part of the World Tree's bloodline.

At this time, Lin Tai released the contract between himself and the World Tree seedling, and it immediately began to take root on the ground.

Although it is said that the contract relationship has been terminated, Lin Tai has cultivated it for a long time. Even if the current World Tree seedlings do not have a contract relationship, they will have an initial affection for Lin Tai, especially after being planted by Lin Tai in his own After taking over the territory, it will subconsciously become the guardian of Lin Tai's territory.

At this time, the World Tree seedlings began to grow rapidly, and the red dragon cub shrank its body again, and then slowly landed on the World Tree seedlings.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have signed a contract with the red dragon Mierx, and Mierx has become your territory, the guardian beast of Shenting's territory. 】

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have signed a contract with the World Tree seedling, and the World Tree seedling has become your territory, the guardian beast of the territory of Shenting. 】

"Well, in this way, the earth and the planets around the earth must be much safer."

Lin Tai said very gratefully to Ah Laike Straza: "This time I really thank the Dragon King."

"You're welcome, this is the reward you deserve."

Ah Laikestraza nodded, and then gradually disappeared, and the other dragon kings also left this place one after another after talking to Lin Tai for a while.


This time, my task can be regarded as completed, and I hope that I can develop more smoothly in the future.

Lin Tai looked into the distance, at this moment some scattered red dragons and red flying dragons had already started to attack from all directions.

It's just that these dragons did not attack Lin Tai's territory, but landed very safely around the World Tree seedlings.

Only purebred dragons can land on the branches of the World Tree seedlings, and the red flying dragons can only rest around the World Tree. Of course, for Lin Tai, who has a high degree of dragon favorability, these red flying dragons Still very respectful. .

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