Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2020: Introducing Monsters

At this moment, a large number of explosions appeared in the lair of the energy devourer.

Immediately afterwards, four extremely huge figures rushed out of the explosion.

At this time, a large number of energy devourers rushed out from behind the energy devourers, and chased after the four giant dragons.

Although the energy devourers are far inferior to giant dragons, the number of giant dragons that appeared in front of them this time is really too small, only four, while the number of energy devourers is as high as ninety trillion.

So at this moment, these energy devourers immediately chased after the four giant dragons.

"I wipe it, why come out so much?"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment.

And a huge energy devourer that appeared at the front caught Lin Tai's attention.

Name: Energy Devourer Robinstadt

Rank: High God

Attribute: nothingness


Devour energy: Absorb the energy material in front of you, improve your overall attributes, and bring a certain gain to yourself according to the attributes of the energy itself.

Energy Shuttle: Consume a lot of energy to shuttle between reality and void, and can also consume energy to temporarily enter reality during the shuttle, and attack the enemy.

Description: The leader of the energy devourers, possesses quite powerful skills.

At this moment, the body of the energy devourer suddenly entered the void, and then appeared in front of the black dragon queen, and directly grabbed it with one claw.

At this moment, the black dragon queen grabbed the claw of the energy devourer, and then turned around and caused a wound on its body.

"What's going on?" Lin Tai was also stunned for a moment, and he immediately said: "Why did this guy chase him out? A monster lord at the upper god level should protect important things in the lair, right?"

And the Black Dragon Queen didn't answer his question at all, and then rushed to Lin Tai directly, and handed something to Lin Tai.

And the moment Lin Tai took the things, the Black Dragon Dragon Queen disappeared and returned directly to Lin Tai's Qiankun world.

Lin Tai was dumbfounded when he took this thing.

Name: Concentrated crystallization of energy superpolymerization

Type: Consumables

Tier: Superior Artifact

Effect: After use, increase all energy production in all your territories (including colonies) by 15% for 3000 years.

Description: This is the crystallization born of energy devourers absorbing energy for generations. Every year, the continuous effect increases for one year.

"Well, this is really a good thing, it can quickly increase my energy, and it can also create more arms in a short time.

Thinking of this, Lin Tai is a bit late to the other universe.

The other universe I currently control is a pure PVE universe, which is too small, so Lin Tai is also very dissatisfied with its output.

The resources produced by the entire universe are just a galaxy. For the current Lin Tai, the only effect is that he can hide in with his own people in times of crisis.

"No way, this thing can't be returned anyway!"

Lin Tai put the things into his backpack without any hesitation, then turned around and ran away.

The king of the energy devourers was beaten very painfully by the black dragon dragon queen just now, and now he chased after Lin Tai without any hesitation.

……ask for flowers……

After all, the Black Dragon Queen is Lin Tai's contract hero, so the damage it caused was instantly transferred to Lin Tai.


Lin Tai also summoned the remaining heroes back to his universe, and then continued to fly forward.

At the same time, Tianzhu appeared again in Lin Tai's hands.

The current power of Tianzhu is not high for the energy devourers, but Lin Tai's purpose is to create an explosion, and then use it to attract the attention of these energy devourers.



In an instant, an arrow flew out, and exploded in the group of energy devourers on the spot, blowing a large number of energy devourers away.

Immediately afterwards, these energy devourers who were not killed directly began to devour the surrounding energy, and at the same time their bodies also began to become stronger rapidly, it seemed that they had absorbed energy from the explosion.

"Well, since that's the case, then you guys continue to catch up."

Lin Tai smiled slightly, and then his body accelerated and flew out again.

Of course, even though it was accelerating, it still maintained the speed enough for the energy devourers to catch up. After all, I wanted to take them to attack the positions of the players besieging me.

Soon, Lin Tai saw a huge camp in front of him, and a large number of spaceships were parked here, as if they were waiting for something.

"Oh, have you found my whereabouts?"

Lin Tai didn't have any accidents either, after all, the disaster was only half-baked, and it was estimated that Guang would be killed by the lion-man and octopus-man soon. .

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