Immediately afterwards, one hundred trillion soldiers directly pierced their chests with the weapons in their hands, and then their bodies also spurted out a large amount of blood.

Immediately afterwards, the blood in the bodies of these soldiers seemed to be flying into the air due to some special gravitational force, and then combined into a huge ball.

"That's right, it turned out to be such a delicious blood sacrifice!"

At this time, a very old voice appeared in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a very vicissitudes of face appear on the surface of the blood cell, while staring at Lin Tai in the distance.

"Oh, that's all."

On the contrary, Lin Tai breathed a sigh of relief, and the original translucent body also regained its entity.

In Lin Tai's view, this level of danger is not worth being on guard against, or this thing really doesn't pose much threat to him.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Tai also looked forward again, and at the same time accelerated towards the enemy formation in front of him.

"Little bug, is that you?"

At this time, the ancestor of the blood source also learned from his followers, the Karin Watt tribe, that the target to be cursed this time was Lin Tai.

Without any hesitation, it rushed forward with its big face towards Lin Tai in front of it.

In the eyes of the ancestor of the blood source, everything that is less than the existence of the supreme god is nothing more than an ant. Even if the Lin Tai in front of him has far surpassed the ordinary high god, it is still not considered in the eyes of the ancestor of the blood source. What.

The huge face of the ancestor of the blood source suddenly hit Lin Tai in front of him, and Lin Tai's body also moved suddenly.

What appeared at the position where Lin Tai was just now was not him, but a black shadow.


The ancestor of the blood source was also stunned for a moment, but he still just rushed up. The monstrous sea of ​​blood melted away all the black shadows, but he couldn't touch a single hair of Lin Tai.

Immediately afterwards, the divine power of the blood ancestor also returned to the Karin Watts.

At this time, the statue in the hands of the Karin Watts changed from a red light to a dark red light.

Immediately, the faces of the members of the Karin Watt clan turned black.

At this time, the ancestor of the blood source said on the spot: "Young people, you should understand that when the blood god curse is killed, blood must be seen, and no one will be killed..."

And among these Karin Watts, the person in charge of casting the spell this time also said with a disastrous face: "When the spell comes out, if you don't kill people, just kill a few!"

The moment he said these words, his body visible to the naked eye began to slowly melt, and then a large amount of flesh and blood directly turned into countless blood mist and floated into the air, absorbed by the blood ancestor.

And Lin Tai also appeared in front of these other server players again, and said: "Take out all the good things you have, it's really convenient that one hundred trillion arms are gone, come here a few more If I do it this time, I don't even need to attract monsters to kill you indiscriminately.

"damn it!"

At this time, several other members of the Karin Watt tribe also looked at Lin Tai angrily. This race is very cruel and cunning towards other creatures, but their own tribe is quite harmonious and friendly.

At this time, facing Lin Tai, the "culprit" who killed their people, he dared to make a mockery, and all the Karin Watts were immediately angry.

"This skill of yours is still easy to use, but this guy is too cunning and cunning, and there are so many shadow warriors who can die for him."

At this time, another player who seemed to be composed entirely of a kind of fog stood up and said: "~We also have an ability, which is a large-scale instant kill skill, which can quickly kill the opponent's Shadow Valkyrie."

As he said that, this guy just took out a weapon that looked quite special and put it on himself.

"It's also a curse effect, we also need sacrifices!"

But the sacrifices this player needs don't include equipment, directly sacrificing one hundred trillion living units, and immediately countless black figures appear in front of Lin Tai.

Every black figure is a wronged soul, and at this moment they gather together like a torrent of wronged souls, even Lin Tai feels his scalp tingling.

(It's good for the money) After all, although this guy's strength is not strong, but the number is too terrifying, coupled with the soaring resentment that even dyed the surrounding universe.

"Huh, it's really a bit powerful. I didn't expect you to be able to control the soul to such an extent. I really underestimated you before."

Lin Tai nodded, and then saw his speed increase rapidly again, and at the same time, he shot an arrow back and continued to attract the hatred of the energy tower devourer.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's body swayed in mid-air, and he suddenly appeared among the units of the players of the opposing camp.

And these innocent souls chased after them without hesitation. .

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