But what Lin Tai didn't know was that when the blood ancestors slaughtered other players, a group of people hid in the shadows.

This is a group of Naga with both dark and water attributes.

Name: Enderna

Attributes: water attribute, dark attribute

Rank: High God


Dark spellcasting: All your spellcasting effects are regarded as dark spells, which cause 2.5 times the ultimate damage, but also need to be subject to the damage reduction of the dual attribute resistance of darkness and water at the same time.

Dark Acceleration: Reduces the casting time of all your spells by 70%.

Aggregation: When all Ender Nagas use the same magic together, they can gather all their energies together.

Dark Destruction: Every attack you make will cause a certain defense collapse effect on the enemy, which can temporarily reduce the target's basic magic resistance and dark magic resistance by 15%, stacking up to four layers.

Description: This is a group of Naga 24 controlled by dark energy. They no longer worship the ancient gods, but choose to worship the enemy of the ancient gods, the shadow god Mosuot.

Mosot is the enemy of all the ancient gods, and also the godhead of Lin Tai, the original master of the dark creator, and the old enemy of R'lyeh.

Of course, although Mosot and R'lyye had similar combat effectiveness when they were high gods, R'lyye's understanding was much stronger than Mosot's.

So when R'lyeh became an existence that surpassed the Supreme God, Mosuot was still a Supreme God, and he has not been able to be further promoted until now.

If Lin Tai wants to become the supreme god, he will definitely be blocked by Mosuot. This is also the test and difficulty that Lin Tai must go through after inheriting R'lyeh's body and godhead.

And at this time, Mo Suo, who believes in the supreme god, is behind the planet occupied by Lin Tai.

At this time, they have been hiding for a long time, and now, these naga are also ready to cast spells, a large amount of ender naga's energy gathered together, and then aimed at the planet ahead.


The energy of these Endernas created a huge wave out of thin air, and then suddenly hit the planet in front of them.

"Even if we have to withdraw from the battle this time, we must not let this heresy win the final victory! We must hit the enemy hard!"

Saying that, the group of Naga continued to prepare to cast spells, preparing to cause more damage to Lin Tai while Lin Tai was busy dealing with the monstrous waves.

"Heh, do you really think this kind of thing is effective for me? But it's just right for me to try the intensity of a new disaster."

As Lin Tai said, his body became countless times bigger in an instant, and at the same time, two high god-level disasters appeared behind Lin Tai.

The size of these two disasters is also the same as that of Lin Tai, which has been enlarged countless times.


Lin Tai suddenly changed the precepts in his hands into the appearance of Tianzhu, and at the same time, nine arrows in one appeared in Lin Tai's hands!

The two disasters entangled Lin Tai's body in an instant, and its energy came from the same source as Lin Tai, so Lin Tai can directly use the power in his body.


In an instant, an arrow that gathered countless energies flew out of Lin Tai's hand, and then hit the monstrous waves firmly.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of purple flames appeared on Lin Tai's body again, and he launched one of his skills, the shadow of the dragon, at the arrow in front of him.

This dragon shadow is an attack released by the blood and soul power of A Laikestraza, the dragon warrior of the Red Dragon Queen.

In an instant, Ah Laikestraza's phantom hit hard on the huge wave in front of him, splitting the entire huge wave in half in an instant.


"Damn, how is this possible?"

However, before these ender naga realized the situation in front of them and reacted, Lin Tai's figure appeared behind them.

One of the highgod-level ender naga swung the staff in his hand on the spot.

The staff itself is also a medium 570 artifact. Although it is a legal weapon, its physical attack power is also very high, and it is enough to be used as a hammer.

The blow landed hard on Lin Tai's leg.

But Lin Tai just stood there without moving a muscle.

The staff hit Lin Tai's body, and there was a "clang" metal collision sound, but it failed to cause any damage to Lin Tai at all.

In the next second, Lin Tai and the two disasters behind him also launched an attack at the same time.

In order to better hide themselves, the group of Ender Naga who stayed here didn't call out their own troops as melee guards at all.

So they collapsed very quickly, these Ender Naga were killed by Lin Tai in a very short period of time, leaving only the last upper god.

But she is still alive not because she is strong enough, but because Lin Tai has taken a fancy to her soul, the soul of this high god is enough to become his own nourishment, so that Lin Tai can create another disaster of a high god with wisdom in the future . .

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