
Suddenly an explosion sounded in Lin Tai's ear.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void, grabbing towards Lin Tai's body suddenly!


Lin Tai also roared in the same way, and then a long sword transformed into commandment appeared in his hand, colliding heavily with the opponent's attack.

I saw Lin Tai's body standing motionless on the spot, and the big hand protruding from the void was scratched by Lin Tai's sword with a deep bone wound, and the blood and evil karma wrapped in divine power came from here. Slowly flowing out of the wound.

"Sura, you dare to kill me, the upper god of the "Eight Six Zero" Cosmic Alliance, for no reason! Our Cosmic Alliance will start an endless duel with your Earth from now on!"

This voice is very solemn and majestic, even the same voice message appeared in the world channel chat.

"Hmph, are you from the Yuxing Alliance? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Lin Tai also raised his middle finger without hesitation, and said: "If you dare to come to Earth once, I will chop off a hand of your Yuxing Alliance! If you dare to come a second time, I will definitely kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Tai swung his right hand directly, and a layer of heavy cosmic wind slammed into the opponent's phantom, and the sun disappeared.

However, no one applauded Lin Tai for such a domineering scene.

Because when Lin Tai was fighting the enemy just now, the highgod-level shock wave stunned all the players around him, and they became unconscious.

Three days later.

Lin Tai stood in front of a white coffin, which contained the bodies of Tom Reiter and Kim Soo-hyun, who died protecting the earth.

Although Lin Tai used to hate these two foreigners who were always stumbling him, but seeing that the two of them sacrificed themselves to protect the earth, he finally gave up his final prejudice.

"You are heroes."

Standing in front of the coffin of the two, Lin Tai stretched out his hand to signal, and then lightly stroked the coffin a few times.

The dead are gone, but the living still have to bravely face tomorrow after all.

Lin Tai called several other people together at this time, and said: "It is impossible for me to protect your safety in the territory all the time, so I am relatively free during this time, and I am going to help you all be promoted to middle gods. The surrounding defensive formations are arranged."

"In this way, even if the enemy is seven or eight high gods united together, they may not be able to break through the defense. You are enough to wait until my return."

"No problem, Lord Shura."

Several other people nodded one after another.

Then Lin Tai came to the territory of Fire Phoenix first, and then took her to renovate the whole territory, and at the same time added the whimsical ideas of many craftsmen he knew into the design drawings.

Under Lin Tai's supervision, a tall and mighty red building rose from the ground soon, and on the top of the building hovered a fictitious phoenix of flames formed by Ten Song Dynasty using divine power.

Although it is a virtual phoenix, it basically knows what the phoenix can do, and he can do what the phoenix doesn't know.

For example, the most primitive skills of the phoenix, such as fire, rebirth, and controlling the white bird, all of this virtual phoenix can be realized through technological means.

In addition to this, the virtual phoenix can also release missiles, bullets, jamming waves and other modern weapons. It is a very powerful unit.

"Well, Fire Phoenix, your unit is designed, and I will take you to other planets to complete the task of changing jobs after you become the next god, and I will feel more at ease.

As he said that, Lin Tai also raised his hand and took out a strange energy spar, and then stuffed it into it, and soon the magic circle began to operate, completely entering the state of operation.

"What is your full-time job?" Lin Tai asked.

Huo Fenghuang looked at his task list, and then said: "My job change task is Flying Valkyrie."

Mission Name: Flying Valkyrie

Task level: SSS

Mission Reward: Become a Flying Valkyrie full-time

Mission description: Legend has it that there is a group of Tessak female warriors who are good at fighting in the Amazon galaxy, and the strongest among them is honored as the flying Valkyrie.

But now, the Tesak female warriors have become extinct, and perhaps some clues can be found in the ruins where they used to be active.

"Well, the flying Valkyrie is indeed a good class 4.4, with a very strong combat power."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "The Amazon galaxy is a small galaxy attached to the Milky Way. Let's go and have a look."


Soon, Lin Tai took Fire Phoenix out of the area under her control temporarily, and then came to a strange planetary system that had lost its stars.

The star in the Amazon galaxy was originally named Gothic, but now it has completely ended its life and turned into a gray white dwarf, basically without much light function.

The full-time mission of Fire Phoenix is ​​here. .

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