Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2046: The First Prince

Accepting the mission doesn't mean that you have to leave immediately.

After agreeing on the departure time with the king, Lin Tai and Lei Zhen also took the map and some supplies and left the inner city of the imperial city.

However, just as he completely left the imperial city and was about to walk out of the gate and enter the central city, a voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Tai: "Wait a minute!"


Lin Tai turned his head, and just in time saw a figure walking towards him.

It was a rather burly man with a swollen face who came to Lin Tai's side.

This person is also wearing luxurious clothes, and there is a Baijin-colored saber pinned to his waist during the "350", which looks very luxurious.

Seeing Lin Tai's footsteps stop, he immediately rushed to Lin Tai excitedly, and said loudly: "Give me those black flying monsters!"


Lin Tai was also amused by this guy, and he really asked others for it directly. Does this guy have some brain problems?

Resisting the urge to laugh, Tai also asked back: "Why should I give them to you?"

"Just because I am the eldest prince of the kingdom, the future king!"

This guy immediately said: "As long as I succeed to the throne, I will be Leo Budod IV. I will own everything in this country, and all human beings will be my servants!"

"If you don't give them to me, I'll let you die without a burial in this country!"

"Hehe, then let me die without a place to die."

Lin Tai also ignored him, then turned around and left.

"Bastard, stop for me!"

Leobdod IV still wanted to catch up, but as soon as he started to move, he was grabbed by the head of the Royal Knights.

"Eldest Prince, this Mister Shura is His Majesty's guest!"

"Damn it, get out of the way!"

The eldest prince directly pushed the captain of the royal guard who didn't dare to use force to the ground.

But in the next second, dozens of royal guards wearing golden armor directly surrounded the eldest prince, and they all had sharp and powerful weapons in their hands.

"Eldest Prince, although you are a relative of the emperor, fighting in any form is prohibited in the inner palace of the imperial city!"

"Damn guy..."

The eldest prince looked at these guys with some apprehension.

Although he is the eldest prince and the future emperor, the royal guard is only responsible to the current emperor.

In other words, even if he is killed, there will be no problem, at most the captain will be dismissed from his position.

"Damn old man, why are you still alive? Don't give up your seat to me!"

At this time, the eldest prince also had resentment towards his father in his heart, and even started to speak rudely in his heart.

"Lord Shura, what are we going to do now?" Lei Zhen who was at the side also asked, not knowing what to do.

"Well, let's find a place to live first, then I'll go on this mission, and you'll stay here and plan a havoc with my body.

"it is good."

Hearing what Lin Tai said, Lei Zhen immediately became interested. After all, this is related to his job transfer task. If Lin Tai really only cares about doing the task by himself

Leaving him here would really be a little troublesome for Lei Zhen.

Soon, Lin Tai and Lei Zhen came to the door of a hotel, and then he walked in, and booked a room in the hotel...

The original planned departure time was early tomorrow morning, but in order to carry out his plan, Lin Tai prepared to leave early, regardless of the fact that it was his own soul that set off.

In a room of the hotel, Lin Tai's body was lying flat on the bed, and the soul prison that tortured him to death appeared directly above his body.

Then it can be seen that the sin prison is pulling itself out of Lin Tai's body little by little, and then it turns into a thick black mist and lands around Lin Tai.

Immediately afterwards, what can be seen is that the prison has gradually changed into a human form, and finally a special layer of armor appeared.

Lin Tai himself stood up suddenly, and then saw a wonderful connection between Sin Prison and Lin Tai's body, and Sin Prison also transformed into Lin Tai's appearance again.

"Well, it's really not a good feeling that this clone has two horns, it still feels a little weird."

But even though he said 2.9 on his lips, Lin Tai's body still stood up quickly, and then at the same time controlled his own soul prison to retreat into the shadow.

"The soul must leave this place as soon as possible."

Lin Tai said to Lei Zhen who was beside him: "After my soul is separated from the body, the remaining body has no spiritual brand, which means it can only be regarded as half a high god.

"And when the time comes, you will need to take the initiative to fight."

"no problem."

Lei Zhen also nodded, he knew very well that this activity is his job transfer task after all, it is impossible to rely on Lin Tai for everything, "then it becomes Lin Tai's task...

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