Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2048: Simultaneous Sound

Lin Tai has come to the depths of the demon empire, and at this time he also contacted Lei Zhen who was still in the human kingdom.

"Hey, can you hear Lei Zhen?"

Lin Tai asked impatiently.

"I heard it, I heard it!"

Lei Zhen said immediately.

"Well, next I will directly open the Yaozu Altar, and you will also cooperate with it."

Because activating the Yaozu Altar requires the use of a soul contract, so although Lin Tai can still control his own body, he still needs to use it with a soul target after all.

At this time, Lin Tai's soul prison fell to the ground, and he took out a strange altar from his backpack, and placed it directly on the ground.

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have used the Yaozu altar and are starting to absorb the energy of the earth's center. 】

At the same time, Lei Zhen also took out the altar in his backpack and placed it on the ground, and also began to absorb the energy of the earth's center.

But right now, due to the rapid absorption of the planet's geocentric energy, serious poisoning has occurred in both the human kingdom and the demon empire.

"what is going on?"

In the human kingdom, King Leobdod III has already noticed the problem, and immediately said: "The shock seems to be coming from the hotel where two outsiders live.

"Is something wrong?"

Leob Dodd III thought for a while, and then immediately said: "Chief Guard, go and check immediately, what's going on~"?"

"But your Majesty's safety..."

"Don't worry, I still have the protection of the Emperor's Golden Lion and the Four Elephant Divine Formation by my side, so there will be no problems."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The chief guard thought it was the same reason, so he immediately summoned his men and headed in another direction.

At this moment, Lin Tai and the first prince had already appeared in the palace.

At this moment, Lin Tai looked at the eldest prince in front of him, and said: "It's your turn to do it now, and whether you succeed or not depends on your own ability."


Although it is difficult for ordinary people to personally kill one's father, the eldest prince is already in his thirties and has not yet ascended the throne, and his father is still very young and strong. The eldest prince has been anxious for a long time.

He has always been afraid that when he became the emperor, he was already old and weak, and it is very likely that the throne will be passed on to his children before his revenge begins

Now, with the support of Lin Tai, this is a good opportunity.

Lin Tai promised the eldest prince that as long as he can kill his father, his throne will become stable this time.

You know, the current eldest prince has already eaten the worms given to him by Lin Tai, as long as he has the thought of rebelling against Lin Tai, he will die instantly, so now he has to accept Lin Tai's orders completely.

"Okay, I'll go now..."

Looking at Lin Tai behind him, the Eldest Prince nodded. Seeing the chief guard leave, he took a deep breath, and then slowly walked up to the palace hall in front of him.

"My son..."

Seeing his child approaching, the old king Leobdod III beckoned without any precautions.

Because there are no ministers in the hall now, and the guards also went to the hotel where Lin Tai lived to check the situation, so the First Prince sat directly beside Leobdod III.

"right now I am..…………"

But before he could speak, the eldest prince suddenly raised his hand and inserted it into the chest of Leobdod III in front of him.

~ poof...

Immediately, Leobdod III spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at the eldest prince in front of him, his eldest son, with a blank face, and said in disbelief: "You, you

Why are you.....

But the eldest prince did not reply to his father at all, but directly grabbed the crown beside him.

At this time, the throne on which Leobdod III was sitting and the pillars behind him all erupted with dazzling brilliance, as if they would launch an attack on the eldest prince in the next second.

But at this moment, the first prince directly pushed the body of his father, Leob Dodd III to the ground, and then directly put on the crown and sat on the throne.

"I am the new king of this country, (the good king's) Leobdod IV!"

Since the eldest prince is of royal blood, the moment he put on the crown and sat on the throne, all the phantoms of the gods and beasts that were supposed to punish him "disappeared" and turned into countless dust and disappeared.

"Well, well done clip."

Lin Tai nodded, and then returned to the palace. At this time, the name on the eldest prince's head had changed to Leobdod IV, and it seemed that he had really inherited the throne.

"Give me the four images."

Lin Tai said bluntly.

"However, the Four Elephant Seals

"I will destroy the demons in the future, and then humans will not have any enemies, and this thing will be useless.",

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