Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2057 The Second Wave Of Fighting

Although it is a powerful beast horde at the highgod level, there are actually only two waves of beast hordes that appeared and attacked the earth.

Appearing in front of Lin Tai at this time is a powerful monster called the Voice Predator.

Although this kind of monster has average hand-to-hand combat ability, it also interferes quite strongly with communication.

You know, even Lin Tai, it is difficult to speak directly in this kind of place, he needs to use divine power to wrap the sound and spread it out.

So once covered by the sonic looting effect of this monster, Lin Tai and his units can only fall into a situation of fighting on their own, which seems quite troublesome.

"Well, it seems that the black magic warrior will be dispatched again this time. The black dragon and I don't have enough tacit understanding to fight this kind of monster."

As he said in his heart, Lin Tai also directly summoned a large number of black magic warriors from his universe.

The Dark Demon Warrior itself is transformed by the dark divine power of Lin Tai, so it is also an existence connected with Lin Tai's body, so Lin Tai is naturally easy to manipulate, and does not need to use language and voice to communicate with them.

At this time, the black magic warriors in front of Lin Tai also turned into black mist one by one, unable to see their bodies clearly, and then suddenly launched an attack on each other.

The Sound Predator also didn't expect that the opponent would take the initiative to attack him, and immediately began to arrange the sound wave surround.

At this time, countless sound predators opened their mouths at the same time and emitted sound waves of a special frequency, and at this moment, strange distortions appeared in the surrounding space.

If there are still people here now, they will enter a state of confusion because of the loss of the concept of sound, and then they will be in a state of being dominated by sound predators.

But the Dark Demon Warrior directly ignored this ability.

Because just when these black magic warriors rushed to the silent zone, their bodies all began to experience strange turmoil, but they were not completely dispersed.

And because the bodies of these black magic warriors did not completely fall apart, instead they spread again, turning into countless large particles and rushing towards the enemy.

These sound predators used sound waves to vibrate again, trying to control these black soldiers.

But their actions have had no effect.

The black magic warrior's special body structure directly ignored the opponent's sound waves, and then they rushed up, and the terrifying body spread out, directly covering a large number of sound predators.

They still wanted to struggle, but what they didn't expect was that the black magic warrior, a simple energy combination, was completely unaffected by them, and began to slaughter these creatures called sound predators at a high speed.

But the good times didn't last long.

Soon, a very terrifying sound came from a distance, instantly all the black magic warriors were directly shattered, and their bodies also began to lose control, flying in all directions

Tian doctor.

Lin Tai immediately glanced at the other party's profile.

Name: King of Sounds

Rank: High God

Attribute: sound


Sound Wave Interference: Without active use of skills, the creatures around the Sound King will fall into a stagnant state where it is difficult to act, and cannot receive sound waves of any situation.

Sonic Boom: Launch an attack, causing a destructive sound explosion to the enemy, the damage ignores normal resistance, only affected by real resistance, and will also affect the soul of the target.

Description: The king of sound looters is the king of sound predators, possessing terrifying strength, and a single mouthful will immediately cause a powerful output that will destroy the world.

"It looks like they are about to launch an army formation."

As soon as Lin Tai raised his hand, he immediately said, "All are resurrected!"

In an instant, these crippled black magic warriors suddenly regrouped, stood up again, and then rushed towards the voice predator in front without hesitation.


At this time, King Liaoyin let out a strange roar, and then all the sound predators around him flew together, wrapping King Liaoyin's body.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of the sound waves, their energies began to cover Luyin Wang's whole body, and soon they became bursts of very special existences.

"What a strong energy aggregate!"

Lin Tai was also taken aback for a moment, but then he also said: "Dark Demon Warrior, prepare for the formation!"

His voice directly rang in the hearts of all the Dark Demon Warriors, and immediately all the Dark Demon Warriors formed a huge formation in front of Lin Tai.

At the same time, a humanoid monster with three heads and six arms appeared above the army formation, all of its arms were holding a long black knife, and then suddenly attacked King Luyin in front of him.

"Clang clang!"

The weapons of the two sides collided violently, King Luyin's strength was obviously weaker than that of the Black Demon Warrior's army, and he was beaten upside down on the spot.

However, because of a layer of sound waves on the surface of King Liaoyin's body, the formation of the Dark Demon Warriors also began to vibrate. .

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