Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2059 God Of War Trial


This arrow itself is a pure white energy body, it pierced through King Luyin's body in an instant, and then flew out from the back of his heart.


The King of Liaoyin let out an unwilling roar, but when Dracula took his bow and set his arrow, a black hole appeared around it again, and immediately killed the King of Liaoyin and all the sound predators. Sucked in.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw that Dracula's body suddenly became somewhat transparent, and then he knelt straight down, falling to the ground with one knee.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Tai stepped forward and asked.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that my energy has been consumed a lot, and it will be fine to rest for a while."

Dracula said, clutching his chest.

"Well, your profession is very powerful, after I leave, it will be up to you to protect 267 Earth.

Lin Tai patted Dracula's shoulder, then turned his head and walked in another direction.

This time Lin Tai is going to help the professional evolution of Woshinowski.

Although Woshinovsky's strength is not strong, but this time it has accepted the God of War trial, as long as it completes the trial, it can directly become a real upper god, with a godhead and a god position, instead of an ordinary god with nothing but power. biology.

"Let's go."

Lin Tai nodded, and a black hole appeared in front of Woshinovsky immediately, and both Lin Tai and Woshinovsky walked into it.

What surprised Lin Tai was that after he entered it, he found that he and Woshinovsky did not appear together.

At the same time, in front of Lin Tai was a huge billboard, which read: "Only you (cedi) can pass the test of God, and no one else is allowed to have any help."


Lin Tai was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this situation. If he knew Lin Tai would go directly to help Thor with the task, now he can't take the initiative to go out. He can only wait for the end of the battle of Woshinowski!

But at this moment, Lin Tai suddenly heard a system prompt.

[System prompt: Player Shura, congratulations on triggering the mission, God of War Trial

Mission Name: God of War Trial II

Mission Level: Variation

Mission Difficulty: Varies

Mission Reward: Unknown

Mission description: Since you have come to the trial site of God of War, you must undergo a test here, which will bring you enough benefits.

"Well, since that's the case, then accept it."

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "I accept this task."

"God of War Trial Ceremony, officially begins!"

The moment this voice sounded, Lin Tai felt his soul was split in two.

And the proving ground in front of him also split into two halves.

The left side is where Lin Tai is, and there are a lot of stone statues standing in front of Lin Tai.

Among them, on the left is a large group of huge stone statues, with terrifying grooves and patterns on the surface of the body, while the one on the right is similar to them, but it is weaker no matter how you look at it.

Name: Miracle Challenge Trial Officer (High God)

Name: Miracle Challenge Trial Officer (God-level Arms)

This is the difference between them, and Lin Tai's task is to control his own body to fight these monsters, and at the same time control his own arms to fight the opponent, which is obviously not an easy job.

It's just that it's too simple for a highgod to use one mind and two tasks.

At this moment, Lin Tai directly summoned the blue dragon, and at the same time, he also had a sharp blade in his hand, and rushed to the miracles in front to challenge the trial officers.

After feeling Lin Tai's hostility, these Miracle Challenge Trial Officers immediately waved their fists and hit Lin Tai like a whirlwind.


The commandment in Lin Tai's hand collided with the opponent's arm several times in a row to dissipate the force, and then his body retreated suddenly, and at the same time the judgment in his hand turned into a sniper rifle "titan Ren" again.


As soon as the bullet was fired, a hole was opened in the chest of a Miracle Challenge trial officer on the spot.

The damage caused by this hole is very large, even the huge body of the Miracle Challenge Trial Officer can't bear it, and the life value begins to drop rapidly.

"Well, sure enough, the titan killer is still effective."

Saying that, Lin Tai turned around and jumped, dodging the fist attack of a Miracle Challenger Trial Officer.

Immediately afterwards, he began to continuously shoot the sniper rifle in his hand, and began to continuously break through the chests of these miracle challengers.

At the same time, on the right side of the battlefield, under the control of Lin Tai, countless blue dragons launched an impact on the Miracle Challenge Trial Officer (a god-level unit) ahead.

The blue dragon has the weakest magic among the guardian dragons, but its physical ability is also the strongest. These giant statues alone have no defense against their fangs and claws.

"Ka Ka Ka"

In an instant, a large number of miracle challengers were directly smashed into pieces by the blue dragons, and countless gravel and sand fields fell to the ground.

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