Effect 6: Demonization: Deduct 90% of your own health and convert it into the same amount of shield and attack power. After three minutes, the health and attack power will be restored, while the shield will remain

Equipment conditions: Controlled or suppressed by the Blood Sea Demon Prison, when controlled by the Blood Sea Demon Prison, the Blood Sea Demon Prison will be upgraded to a supreme artifact.

Description: Part of the projection of the incarnation of the abyss can concentrate its own energy to form a very special layer of protection, causing strange effects on the enemy.

"Well, this set of equipment is strange, only when he completely controls it can he display the divine weapon of the Supreme God level, but it is impossible for me to be controlled by this thing.

Speaking of which, it was a pity for Lin Tai to equip it. For Lin Tai, this thing still has to be discarded after all.

After wearing the Blood Sea Demon Prison, Lin Tai's overall attributes were greatly improved, and at the same time, Lin Tai's body also seemed to have undergone an arrogant change.

"Go and meet the person who changed your career, God.

"it is good."

Raytheon also took a deep breath, after all, he contributed too little this time, and he may not be able to be transferred to a certain extent.

And a few people other than myself have become high gods, and now Thor is also Alexander.

"Come on, let's go and see."

As he said that, Lin Tai and Thor used teleportation together, and the two rays of light falling on them immediately teleported the two of them to another place.

But to the surprise of Lin Tai and Raytheon, the place where the two of them appeared was not heaven or any other place, but beside a grassy lotus pond.

"Oh? This is?"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, but he also saw a young artist sitting beside him, who was still copying the scenery in the lotus pond.

And on his head, there is actually an exclamation mark every day!

"Damn it, what's going on with the setting of this old-age RPG game?"

Lin Tai made a complaint, and then walked up with Thor.

"who are you?"

asked the young artist.

"We are travelers from afar, may I ask your name?"

"My name is Martin, I'm a painter, and as you can see, I'm copying landscapes here.

"But your complexion doesn't seem very pretty." Lin Tai asked.

"Yes, I like imaginative pictures, but the instructor always said that I was not doing my job properly, and punished me to copy here. If the degree of completion is not high, I have to tear it up and start over."


Lin Tai was also taken aback, and then said: "Then can you show us your face?"


Martin happily put his drawing board aside, and then took out a self-made picture book.

And on the first page he turned, Lin Tai saw a familiar figure, it was a huge seraphim that was blacked out, and the name was signed at the bottom: Bright Star 0

Note: The bright star is the original meaning of Lucifer.

"This one was blacked out by my tutor."

Martin stroked his painting with great pity, and said: "This is my favorite piece of work, but my tutor said that this painting gives people arrogance, so he wiped it out."

"Oh, what a pity."

While talking, Lin Tai flipped through other paintings, and saw different fallen angels and angels, but the fallen angels were smeared paintings, while the ordinary angels were not smeared.

……ask for flowers…

"It's so imaginative, can you give me this work called Bright Star?" Lin Tai said while looking at it, pretending to be moved.

"Of course you can, but if you want to hold my creativity, you must exchange it with me with your imagination."

At this time, Martin's voice suddenly became very low, as if he had reached middle age.

"So, what do you want?"

"I want creativity, and the more unique the idea, the better."


Martin said.


Lin Tai thought for a while, and eventually he tore a piece of paper from Martin's drawing and summoned his hero, Sophie.

At this time, after Sophie appeared, she did not appear beside Lin Tai, but appeared vividly on Martin's drawing paper.

"what do you think about this?"

As he spoke, Lin Tai handed Sophie directly to Martin.

"This, is this for me?"

The voice of Martin in front of him instantly changed to his original youthful appearance, and he said to Lin Tai, "What is this? Why does it look like the Seraphim I painted, but it seems different?"

"Of course, after all, you just drew a basic draft of a seraphim, and then I cultivated it myself. Of course, it is different from what you drew."

This is what Lin Tai thought in his heart, but he didn't tell Martin in front of him.

"Well, although what you gave me looks like my draft, I will keep my promise.

As he spoke, Martin handed a piece of paper to Lin Tai begging. .

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