Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2067: Accept The Task

After asking to see the Red Dragon Queen, and with the presence of the prince of the Red Dragon Clan, Mielsk, Lin Tai's request was immediately granted.

Following a giant guardian dragon into a pitch-black tunnel, he soon saw two huge red spots appearing in front of him.

These are the eyes of Laike Strasza, the Red Dragon Queen.

"My Lady Queen."

Lin Tai bowed to the dragon in front of him.

After seeing that the person who came was Lin Tai, Laike Straza, the Queen of the Red Dragon, immediately smiled happily, and said, "Since you came to find me on your own initiative, then I can rest assured."

Ah Laikestraza has seen Lin Tai's strength with his own eyes. He is not afraid of even the Black Dragon King Neltharion, and he is easy to deal with in the mere sub-plane.

"That's right, I'm here to ask you to accept this task."

Lin Tai said.

"Very well, I will issue a mission to you right now. This time you have two options. The first is to stay in the army and fight with our army. The second is to go deep into the enemy's line."

"I choose the second option."

[System prompt: Player Shura, you have accepted the mission issued by the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza, and went deep into the enemy's formation. 】

Mission Name: Deep into the Enemy

Task level: SSSS

Task Difficulty: SSSS

Mission Reward: Unknown

Mission description: Creatures from the secondary plane try to invade the main plane, defeat these monsters, and help your faction win!

"Very good, but you can't use your arms indiscriminately when sneaking in, otherwise your identity and position will be exposed. I will give you three identity change cards and special arms to use. You can choose by yourself."

The first is the Count of Vampires, whose arms are also vampires.

The second is General Ghoul, and the unit is Ghoul.

The last is Mo Wusheng, and the unit is the sword king.

These are all relatively standard mid-level god transformation cards. At the same time, the strength of the arms is relatively weak. Basically, they belong to the kind of ordinary existence that is difficult to be noticed.

"I chose Mo Wusheng, which is more unique and flexible, and this thing still has more room for manipulation.

With that said, Lin Tai took the Mo Wusheng transformation card and chose to use it.

And his original arms were also sealed, and he could only summon black swordsmen with a maximum number of 5 trillion. If other arms were needed to appear, he had to cancel the transformation status of his Mo Wusheng first.

"Well, this state is not bad. Although it is only a middle god, the data of the middle god and the ancient god can still crush most of the middle gods.

As he said that, Lin Tai also walked in another direction, and easily got on an interstellar train and drove towards his destination.

That's right, driving towards the destination.

After Lin Tai triggered this task and became the main person in charge, other players can also accept this task for activities.

It's just that the rewards for other people's lives are 50% less than Lin Tai's. At present, a large number of players have accepted this task, and then gathered here.

And because these players have many arms, the NPCs use these players as cannon fodder, and they are also using these players as bait to investigate the status of the subplane.

It's just that these players don't seem to know it yet, but they all accepted the mission one by one, still looking very happy.

And soon, a strange huge stone pillar appeared in front of Lin Tai.

Lin Tai got out of the car and walked down, seeing a large number of players and some special-looking NPCs fighting on the spot.

It's just that this kind of battle is in the arena, not in the innermost battle.

And he also saw that many people were watching their battles, not only duels of arms, but also one-on-one challenges of heroes or player lords.

"It looks very lively."

But Lin Tai didn't go there immediately, this place is relatively close to the earth, once Lin Tai goes there rashly, and then reveals his powerful strength, it is easy to be suspected by 537 himself.

And Lin Tai's idea is to form a team with other people, and then enter the subplane's current Zanu area from another direction.

"Magic wolf hunter, with a hunter who can't shoot arrows, team up!"

"Kaishan team, ask for a priest!"

"The Heys Galaxy team only recruits players from the Heyes Galaxy!"

"Beer squad, only the last person is missing, there are no restrictions on strength, level, or gender!"

Seeing the last one, Lin Tai also walked over.

When the other party saw that the person who came turned out to be a magic martial arts student, he pouted his lips immediately, and then said: "Although your strength is not very strong, our team's formation is already in place. As long as you don't talk about our back The legs are just fine.

The person in charge of finding someone liked to drink beer and said.

"Don't worry, I won't trouble you."

Lin Tai also said.

"Well, then get ready to go.",

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