Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2073 Attracting Target

Because the cosmic spiders are very rare, they will basically not be recognized by others, let alone the lizardmen from the second plane. Even if they are high gods, their knowledge is very shallow.

So Lin Tai said to the controlled lizard man in front of him: "Tell that Stukavic about the cosmic spider found here, and attract him to come and capture the battle pet."


Under the obviously huge size of the Cosmic Demon Spider summoned by Lin Tai, Lin Tai immediately entered a hidden state and quietly hid aside.

And the controlled lizardman also quickly returned to the planet occupied by the lizardman, and told the controller of the territory, Stukavic, about the discovery of the powerful monster.

And this Stukavic is the target that Lin Tai wants to control this time.

"What, it might be a monster of the upper god level?"

Hearing this news, Stukavic's eyes were burning like a torch!

You must know that as a hunter, his own strength is relatively weak, so although he is a high god, his status among the high gods is not very high.

This is because he has not been able to find a battle pet that suits him to the upper god level.

If I can contract that monster...

Thinking of this, the smile on Stukavic's face was full of pride, as long as he got a battle pet of a high-ranking god, then his strength of Stukavic would change from being lower than that of a high-ranking god to being higher than that of an ordinary high-ranking god in an instant. God.

"That's right, only by doing this kind of thing can I have the opportunity to climb up, and I must not waste this opportunity"!" Stukavic said panting, "And, as long as my strength is greatly improved If so, then my chances of making great contributions in this battle will be even greater!"

After finishing speaking, Stukavic immediately patted the shoulder of the lizardman patrol soldier beside him, and said, "Take me there!"

The temptation of a powerful battle pet caused Stukavic to make a wrong judgment. He was stepping into a trap set by the enemy.


The lizardman patrolman let out a weird smile, and Lin Tai, who was monitoring all this from a distance, also showed a smile.

"Stukavic took the bait!" Lin Tai said with a smile in his heart.

Soon, Stukavic led a few people towards the location where Lin Tai and the cosmic spider were.

Because Stukavic also has rivals among the lizard people, he wants to use the fact that his strength has soared this time but no one knows to make his rivals make mistakes.

So he only led the controlled lizardman patrolling soldiers, and seven of his convinced fighters rushed towards the position where Lin Tai and the hand cosmic spider were.

"Well, it really is a powerful creature! Unfortunately, it is not yet a high god."

When he saw the Cosmic Demon Spider in the distance, Stukavic couldn't help sighing. Although the Cosmic Demon Spider was strong enough, it only had the strength of a middle god.

But Stukavic didn't intend to leave, because although the Cosmic Demon Spider is not a highgod, it is stronger than any of Stukavic's mid-god-level battle pets. If you get it, you can instantly become Stukavic Kavic has added a brand new combat power.

"Okay, grab him!"

Because the Cosmic Demon Spider summoned by Lin Tai is not a high god, Stukavic also relaxed his vigilance, "He rushed towards the Cosmic Demon Spider with his personal guards.

Passing by where Lin Tai was, Stukavic immediately felt something was wrong, because it seemed that there was a little bit of energy remaining in the place it just passed.

But Lin Tai's hiding was really good, so Stukavic didn't notice the problem, so he just ignored Lin Tai's existence, and rushed towards the Cosmic Demon Spider with his own people .


Seeing the appearance of the enemy, the Cosmic Demon Spider also followed Lin Tai's command before and let out a roar like the wild monster, and then rushed towards Stukavic.

Immediately afterwards, the Cosmic Demon Spider sprayed out a milky white spider web from its mouth, instantly sticking several of Stukavic's personal guards to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Stukavic immediately became happier, and the last fear of Lin Tai in his heart disappeared without a trace.

But at this moment, Lin Tai's body suddenly appeared behind Stukavic!


Stukavic was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Lin Tai, but when he turned around, he found that his front guards were all dead in a pool of blood and fell at the feet of a small black shadow.

The whole person is naturally Lin Tai.


Suddenly Stukavic was stunned.

"You, who are you? Why did you attack me?"

At the moment when Stukavic asked the question, the Cosmic Demon Spider stuck Stukavic to the ground with a web according to Lin Tai's will. .

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