At this time, Lin Tai also asked a lot of information about the lizard people from the mouth of his own high god disaster.

And its last question is what is that huge pillar in the sky.

In Lin Tai's eyes, he can see that there is a super huge pillar in the sky in the distance, and beside the pillar, HIA is wrapped with several blue crystal chains.

They appeared in the center of the three planets, the bottom end quietly stood in the universe, while the upper end protruded from a black hole-like thing, and it was hard to see what was inside.

"This is what the subplane is used to travel through time and space. Some totem poles with the shuttle function are sent to the main universe by special means. As long as the time is right, the totem poles will be activated to forcibly drag the subplane into the main universe. Universe, forcibly merge the two sides."

"However, there are a lot of totem poles, and only one of them is really functional, and the rest are all illusions created to cover up the sight. We must find the real totem poles and destroy them in order to prevent the lizardmen from attacking again." The plane is coming."

"So, is the totem pole that appeared in front of us real or fake?"

Lin Tai also asked.

"I don't know." Stukavic, who was in control of the disaster at this time, shook his head and said, "Except for the dragon king of the lizard people, no one knows about this matter."

"Well, it seems that I still need to contact the Red Dragon Queen."

Said, Lin Tai is once again the dragon scale given to him by the Red Dragon Queen, and has a spiritual connection with Ah Laike Straza

Soon, the phantom of Ah Laikestraza appeared in front of Lin Tai again.

"What happened?"

she asked.

And Lin Tai truthfully told Ah Laikestraza what she found out, and wanted to ask her what to do.

"This matter is still very easy to solve."

Ah Laikestrasa said: "Actually, we have already eliminated the things used in this plane a long time ago, but just in case, we still keep things for dealing with them."

Said, the Red Dragon Queen waved her hand out of thin air, and then said: "You use the resurrection ability on my scales now, and I will give the things to the Red Dragon Warriors who lead the team, and bring them to you together."

"it is good."

After waiting for a while, seeing Ah Laikestraza nodding, Lin Tai raised the dragon scale of the Red Dragon Queen Ah Laikestraza in his hand, and then activated the special effect of resurrection.

Soon, a red dragon of ten thousand plus one hundred plus one appeared in front of Lin Tai, and immediately let out a hissing howl.

This roar is very terrifying, there are only more than 10,000 red dragons, and its momentum even exceeds the sum of all Lin Tai's arms!

"This is the NPC level, the real red dragon! What a beautiful and powerful unit!"

Lin Tai resisted admiration.

Yes, these NPC red dragons are really too strong, and they are completely different from Lin Tai's defective giant dragons. It's just that the eyes of these guys are completely different, and they are quite unruly and crazy. .

Compared with Lin Tai's red dragon, the two sides seem to be the difference between wild and domesticated, not the same thing at all.

Lin Tai even suspects that if he really fights this red dragon army, his troops will probably be wiped out by these terrifying guys soon.

…… Ask for flowers…………

"Well, it seems that you don't really want me to direct you.

The moment Lin Tai saw these giant dragons, he understood what the other party was thinking, so he said it very wittily.

That's right, although Lin Tai has a high reputation among the dragon clan, especially the red dragon clan, but a high reputation doesn't mean that these red dragons will be obedient.

Because the dragon clan has always been a race with high self-esteem, other races are ants in the eyes of the dragon clan, and Lin Tai is just an ant that they like more, but no matter how good an ant is with you, if you want to command you, don’t you Will you be willing?

Only the red dragon warriors present understand Lin Tai's strength and strength. After all, the red dragon warriors are qualified to know the process of the red dragon queen being rescued, while the ordinary red dragons only know that Lin Tai participated in the rescue of the red dragon queen A Laikesi Thassa's actions, and the internal publicity of the Dragon Clan is that the other three dragon kings worked together to save A Laikestraza.

After all, rulers still have to show face in many cases.

And at this time, Lin Tai naturally didn't have time to explain to these red dragons, and they wouldn't listen, so he simply made a plan according to the temperament of these guys

At this time, the Red Dragon Warrior has taken what A Laikestraza said, which is a special black badge, a total of one hundred, which looks rather strange and exudes special power.

Name: Spatial Detector

Tier: unknown

Type: Consumables

Effect: After use, you can check whether there is an intermediate force inside a mark (which can be an item). Number of uses remaining: 100/100.

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