For the Demon Hunting Spiders, whether it is their pointed limbs or sharp teeth, they can accurately find the vulnerable parts of the tank worm and launch an attack.

At this moment, Lin Tai saw that his demon spider started to hunt and kill these tank bugs in an instant.

It has to be said that although the Demon Hunting Spider has almost no cooperation in group combat, it will display quite terrifying combat effectiveness when facing prey targets that are weaker than itself.

Predator: When there is a creature that he can hunt and eat, all attributes of the Demon Hunting Spider will increase by 20%, speed and attack speed will increase by 500%, and all attacks will have the effect of real damage and residual blood beheading.

At this time, this group of predators rushed up quickly, and at the same time began to quickly hunt and kill the tank bugs in front of them.

And after seeing this situation, Nur Kekera was also very anxious. He was just ignorant, and he wasn't really stupid. In an instant, Nur Kekera felt bad.

The first is that he is very likely to die here, and even if he is not killed by Lin Tai, the young patriarch will never let him go after all the troops in his hands are wiped out by the enemy.

The second is that the Lizardman race is about to lose face this time.

That's right, because lizard people are still a relatively primitive society, so they still don't value personal interests very much, but are more important to the interests of the entire collective.

In Nurkekera's view, it doesn't matter whether he dies or not, he has long been prepared to die in battle.

But these tank bug units that Shao Khan handed over to him can never cause problems.

Thinking of this, Nur Kekera suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Lin Tai, trying to use himself to attract the opponent's attention, and then took the opportunity to withdraw the troops and return them to Shao Khan.

But it still overestimated (ceff) itself and underestimated Lin Tai's city.

The moment Nuer Kekela rushed up and fell, Lin Tai's body suddenly turned around, and then kicked Nuer Kekera hard on the chest.

Nur Kekera was thrown backwards by Lin Tai's blow on the spot, then slammed into a wall fiercely, and then spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Of course, the blood of the lizard people is different from that of the people on Earth. Their blood is dark red, and there are a lot of green bubbles in it.

"It's dead, it's really boring."

Lin Tai shook his head, and then saw a very strange symbol suddenly appeared on his body, which directly shattered Nur Kekera's soul in the next second, making him even have the chance to use skills or props to revive nothing.

Seeing that Lin Tai killed Nur Kekera so easily, the audience cheered instantly.

After all, this is the player from the main universe who has finally taught the player from the alien planet, how can this make them unhappy?

Afterwards, Lin Tai also saw the somewhat familiar young patriarch of the Lizardman walking towards him.

The lizard man took a look at Lin Tai and said, "Who the hell are you?"

This guy is the leader here, and it's only natural that he would question Lin Tai like this.

"I'm just a small person, nothing to worry about." Lin Tai also replied with a smile.

When seeing Lin Tai's answer, the young patriarch also instantly realized that he seemed to be fooled.

"Hmph, it seems that Your Excellency is still a master at pretending to be weak!"

At this time, the young patriarch also sneered, and then said to Lin Tai: "Then get ready to start fighting, this time I will personally seek justice for my subordinates!"

After saying that, the patriarch of the young lizard people jumped onto the ring directly, and did not give Lin Tai a break, and prepared to fight Lin Tai on the spot.

However, Lin Tai also took the time to look at the opponent's name and professional characteristics.

Name: Albert

Rank: Pseudo-Supreme God

Race: Lizardmen

Occupation: Earth Guardian Knight

attribute: dark


Earth Guardian Armor: Passively increase the natural recovery of 100% of one's own health, which is triggered actively during the battle, sacrificing 70% of the recovery speed of life in exchange for 70% of defense.

Earth Blade: Summons the Earth Blade to attack the target. All attack probabilities will cause double damage.

Earth Partner Contract: Summon an earth attribute monster to help you fight. The strength of this monster is close to but not necessarily the same as your own.

Description: He is the young patriarch of the Sunlight Tribe of the Lizardmen. He possesses certain real power and fighting power. He is the strongest genius for thousands of years and has inherited the artifact passed down among the tribe.

"It seems that the loss of the other four people is not very unjust. This guy is not only a fake supreme god, but also a pseudo supreme god in super pk mode who sacrificed his talent for leading troops. It is really not good if he does not use troops. hit."

Lin Tai said to himself in his heart. .

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