"It's just luck, I strayed into the small universe he created before, and cleaned it up.

Lin Tai said with a smile: "Although I can use this soul to strengthen myself, but as an ancient god, I think you can also gain greater benefits from it."

"That's right, if you give it to us, the effect of this soul can be maximized, and it can even be returned to you to strengthen yourself after using it."

Kunlun Tiandao also accepted the gift with a smile, and then said: "Brother Shura, if you don't mind it, please come to our cave to talk about it later.

"no problem."

As he spoke, Lin Tai also looked forward.

In this case, the individual strength was infinitely weakened, and the Lizardman, who had a huge winning rate in heads-up, was now suppressed miserably by the creatures in the main universe.

The ace unit they are proud of is really not enough in the hands of the players, both in terms of quantity and strength are pitifully weak.

24 But no one noticed that the lizardman NPC's eyes showed bursts of cunning and excitement.

That's right, these NPCs have long anticipated that Lizardman players are unreliable, and that's exactly what they want to use.

Every time a life dies, a trace of faint blood will float up from their bodies and fly towards the air.

These blood energy is what the lizardman NPCs are really looking at, and they are providing energy for the arrival of the main city of the lizardmen.

And the faster the main city descends, the more anxious the players of these main universes will be, and at the same time, the faster the massacre, and the faster their main city will descend.

"Huh? Something is triggering!"

Suddenly Lin Tai was taken aback.

That's right, as the creator of flesh and blood, the profession of Ancient God is quite sensitive to blood energy. Others now ignore the huge blood energy in the air because of the crazy fighting on the battlefield, but Lin Tai still noticed it.

"Heh, these lizard people are really cunning."

Lin Tai sneered and said: "However, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. This blood sacrifice carefully constructed by you will become an opportunity for me to break through the false Supreme God!"

As he said that, an eye suddenly appeared in Lin Tai's chest, and he said to Kunlun Tiandao beside him: "Brother Tiandao, I will compete with a supreme god for the blood in this space, please help me protect the law, don't let People are coming to attack me."

"God Most High?"

Kunlun Tiandao was also taken aback, and quickly said: "Although I am a pseudo Supreme God now, I am not the real Supreme God's opponent at all!"

"Don't worry, the other party is just a false Supreme God in a small plane, and his real strength is definitely not strong. And this time the blood sacrifice is to summon it, so he can come here after all. That's all.

"I see.

Kunlun Tiandao also understood Lin Tai's meaning, so he said: "Don't worry, if it's just a phantom of a weak Supreme God, I won't be afraid of him.

"Then, I'm going to start!"

As he said that, the eyes on Lin Tai's chest opened suddenly, and then he began to crazily absorb the blood energy in the air!

"I can feel my strength increasing rapidly!"

Lin Tai said with some horror in his heart: "The scene of this battle is really too big! Countless static loads of blood are pouring into my body! It's so crazy!"

At present, the number of soldiers killed every second in the universe is more than one trillion. It is impossible to describe the horror of this battle with a meat grinder or even a store.

And our protagonist is using the casualties caused by this battle to rapidly improve his own strength!

"Damn little bug, you actually disturbed my blood sacrifice!"

Suddenly a terrifying voice appeared in Lin Tai's ear.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai saw a black vortex suddenly appeared above the huge battlefield!

And this black vortex also began to frantically absorb the blood energy in the air, trying to compete with Lin Tai.

However, an accident happened soon.

"Damn it, how is this possible? How can you, a weak 057, absorb it faster than me?" Speaking of which, a huge figure gradually appeared near the vortex.


Lin Tai smiled, how could a little god like the other party who lived in a sub-plane without arrows know the horror of an existence like an ancient god?

The ancient gods came from the void, and it was the existence of the ancient gods that made the concept of "flesh and blood" appear in this world. At this time, how could a mere lizardman be in the midst of a fight for blood with Lin Tai? What about gaining the upper hand?

"Damn it, I killed you!"

A roar sounded, and instantly a blood-red shadow appeared on the lizard man Supreme God, and then suddenly attacked Lin Tai and the people around Lin Tai.

But it didn't notice Kunlun Tiandao beside Lin Tai.

The moment the lizardman Supreme God flew down, black and white luster appeared on Kunlun Tiandao's body.

Becomes a Yin Yang Tai Chi image. .

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