Under continuous blows, the lizardman finally couldn't hold on anymore.

The high priest immediately said to the lizard man Supreme God high in the sky: "My God, if this continues, our people will be slaughtered! I beg you to allow us to use part of the priest's power to summon the The fragments of the main city attack!"


The Lizardman Supreme God hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I will allow you to summon!"


The lizard man high priest nodded, and then raised his hands high.

At this time, Lie Yan Lips had already rushed to its side, but just as it was about to attack, it was suddenly blown away by a layer of black fire around the Lizardman High Priest.

"What is this?"

Yu Xingtian was stunned, and he also tried to cast a lightning spell, but it was also blocked, and it didn't seem to be the opponent's defensive ability.

After all, the high priest of the lizardman is just a pseudo-supreme god, and it is impossible for him to have the skills to perfectly defend against the attacks of other pseudo-supreme gods.

"It should be the power of sacrifice!"

At this moment, Lin Tai's voice rang in the ears of several people: "All the lives that have died during this period, in fact, part of their blood energy has been stored by an invisible large formation. n

"And this power is what activates the formation to send the main city of the Lizardmen and the Supreme God across the space barrier! Now that the energy of the opponent's formation is not full, it seems that they want to send some fragments to use first!"

"What a cunning fellow!"

With that said, several pseudo Supreme God players began to retreat.

They can understand that the main city of the lizardman is definitely not something built on land. Although the other party is a bumpkin from the sub-plane, there is no doubt that the main city of the other party must be a huge planet, or even a planet. group!

Sure enough, when the vortex loosened (ceci), special city fragments appeared in the eyes of the players.

Four super huge city fragments, each about the size of the earth, are carved with countless complex patterns of leaves, and at the same time have terrifying energy.

"Snatch city fragments!"

But what no one expected, Lin Tai suddenly issued a strange order at this time.

"What? Looting city fragments?"

"Don't panic, the opponent is in a stalemate with us now, and is at a disadvantage. Once we snatch these four city fragments with special abilities, all the lizard people's hopes will be lost!"

As he said that, Lin Tai rushed forward with his troops.

Lin Tai's strength is naturally quite strong. At this time, as soon as his red dragon unit came out, it immediately showed a tendency to crush.

The lizardmen in front had no ability to resist under the majesty of the red dragons. All of them were unable to move on the ground like turtles with shrinking heads, and were directly run over by the red dragons.

"You can't let him show off alone!"

The rest of the pseudo-supreme Shendu thought this way, and then they all increased their energy output, and then led their own arms to start the output frantically forward.

As the other four false supreme gods began to attack with all their strength, naturally the group of lizardmen in front of them began to have no power to fight back.

And as the main universe players continue to advance bravely, Lin Tai's red dragon is still the most powerful, occupying a city fragment with the fastest speed.

And Lin Tai rushed up without any scruples, and at the same time more than a hundred green dragons were summoned to take human form, and began to try to control the fragments of the city.

"Very good, the control is very smooth." [084412124593281

Lin Tai nodded happily, and then said: "Fire at the lizardmen below!"


"Boom boom boom!"

As the fragments of the city were controlled by Lin Tai, more and more attacks fell on the lizardmen's team, and a large number of lizardmen were directly blown to pieces by its terrifying power.

"This is our main city! It must not be occupied by creatures from the damn main universe!"

Immediately, the lizard people below were also filled with righteous indignation and attacked the city fragments above.

But their attack power is really too weak.

At this time, Lin Tai almost completely occupied the right time and place, coupled with the absolute suppression of the arms, when one hundred trillion red dragons erupted with powerful dragon power at the same time, all the lizardmen arms were immediately controlled and unable to move, only A small number of other special arms can rush up.

But the number of these arms is too small to pose any threat to the red dragon at all.

However, several other war zones have not been so smooth.

The first is the high priest of the lizardman, who directly strengthened himself with the power of the blood sacrifice, and took the second city fragment in the fastest time, and then countless artillery fires aimed at Lin Tai and the city fragment he occupied .

"Ha, who is afraid of whom? This is your thing, if you have the ability to blow each other up!" Lin Tai laughed immediately. .

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