At this time, Lin Tai probably understood that the thing that the black shadow used just now was to remind himself that the black side is the falling part.

Without any hesitation, he jumped to the black part of the balance, and then his body began to fall rapidly.

The speed was very fast, Lin Tai fell to the ground very quickly.

It's just that the scale that sent him down disappeared. Lin Tai obviously didn't get off the scale, but when he came back to his senses, he had already stepped on the ground.

And standing in front of Lin Tai was the black shadow who had helped Lin Tai several times before.

At this time, he gradually revealed his true body.

This is a monster with a dog's head and a human body, wearing a set of ancient Egyptian costumes, holding a coin in its right hand, and dragging a balance in its left hand.

"You are?"

Lin Tai asked a little strangely.

'I am the guardian left by the Titans, named Anubis. '

Anubis said: "Yogg-Saron, who was sealed here recently, is trying to break through the seal. I try to fight but I can't. I can only try to wait for the main universe to send fighters. What you have experienced before is my If you can't even pass the test I gave you, then there's no need to come in, it's better to go back sooner."

When Anubis was speaking, there was no emotion on his face.

"That's right."

Lin Tai nodded, and then asked: "But if that's the case, why do you give me so many hints?"

"Because I knew from the first moment I saw you that you didn't need to be tested at all, but the remaining tests had to be passed, so I saved you a little time."

As he said that, Anubis' body suddenly materialized, and he said: "But if you want to enter the next level, you must defeat me. This is the rule set by the Titans. Now I will not show mercy."

"it is good."

Lin Tai didn't refuse, and directly started the battle mode.

And Anubis's fighting method is also quite peculiar, he saw that he suddenly threw all the balances and coins in his hand into the air, and at the same time, a long-handled ax appeared in his hand.

Destiny Coin: Toss once every five minutes. If you throw a good side, you will restore 10% of the opponent's maximum health. If you throw a bad side, you will reduce the opponent's current health by 99%.

Scale of Good and Evil: It is judged every five minutes. If the white part is heavier, the opponent's attack power will be increased by 1000 points. If the black part is heavier, the opponent's all attributes will be reduced by 50%.

These two are supreme artifacts, but they have no combat ability, but the judgment of supreme artifacts allows them to take effect against ancient gods.

And the guardians themselves do not have the fighting power to rival the ancient gods, they rely on these supreme artifacts left by the titans to fight against the ancient gods.

"The arms I use are also probabilistic, so be careful."

Saying that, Anubis also summoned the unit he used, the Black and White King.

The Black and White King has only one skill: Black and White Seal.

Black and White Seal: Every time you attack or are attacked, a judgment is triggered.

Attack: If the judgment is white, the damage of this attack will be reduced by 20%. If the judgment is black, this attack must be a critical strike.

Attacked: If it is judged to be white, it is immune to this attack. If it is judged to be black, the damage of this attack will increase by 45%.

In the face of this soulless and lifeless unit, Lin Tai chose the blue dragon.

The blue dragon is a fairly pure form of violence output. Without fancy fighting methods, a large number of blue dragons rushed up directly. "Song used claws and fangs to tear a hole in the opponent's arms. [ 084412124 flying household 003501]

Immediately afterwards, Anubis rushed up in person, and after turning the staff in his hand a few times, he hit Lin Tai directly.

The weapon in Lin Tai's hand was not the Shura Purgatory Halberd, but the long spear he condensed using the power of darkness, which suddenly blocked the big ax in the opponent's hand.

But at the same time as he stopped, the ax in Anubis' hand suddenly released a burst of flames towards Lin Tai.

It seems that this is not a simple axe, but a special weapon with the ability to release magic.

The attacks of the two sides collided, and in the next second Lin Tai took another step forward, and at the same time the spear in his hand dissipated directly, replaced by a short knife.

As the saying goes, an inch is short and an inch is dangerous. When Lin Tai's weapon is short and close to him, the long ax in Anubis's (good Li Hao) hand is not easy to shoot.

However, Anubis did not directly resist, but slowed down Lin Tai with a finger of his left hand.

While it was retreating, the fate coin and the balance of good and evil both triggered the effect.

Both are evil sides.

In an instant, Lin Tai's full attributes were reduced by 50%, and his life value was reduced by 99%, making him directly disabled.

Although Anubis was retreating, the ax in his hand was very long! At this time, he swung forward and directly slashed at Lin Tai's chest.


However, his attack failed to hit, because at this time Lin Tai activated his own equipment effect, and a layer of shield blocked the opponent's attack. .

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