Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2112: The Current Situation Of The Earth

It can be seen that after becoming a pseudo-supreme god, if the arms do not deploy an army formation, they will basically not be able to keep up with their battles.

Lin Tai also probably knows that at the Supreme God level, a sufficient number of arms can be used to form an army formation to forcibly increase combat effectiveness.

But this strength is still limited after all.

It is estimated that after the supreme god, the god-level arms will also be eliminated, but Lin Tai is not too clear about whether to evolve or regain it at that time.

You can only take one step at a time.

I was thinking in my heart, but Lin Tai didn't stop the movement of his hand, he swiped at Yuxing Tianfu's body on the spot, the terrifying divine power caused a certain amount of damage and forced him to quit work

And Yu Xing Tian Punishment was not harmed, subconsciously raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning struck Lin Tai.

It seems that the knowledge thunder and lightning released by Yu Xing Tian Punishment, but its damage is very high. The shape of the thunder and lightning forcibly condensed by 24 divine power can cause high damage to the target.

But Lin Tai is not easy to mess with.

The moment the opponent's attack hit, Lin Tai also turned around on the spot, and the weapon in his hand was blocked again, blocking the opponent's attack and turning into a black dragon at the same time. body bit down.


At this time, Yu Xingtianfu was terrified, because he had seldom come into contact with the real ancient gods. At this time, the terrifying devouring power from Lin Tai's attack really frightened Yu Xingtianfu.

Feeling tense, Yu Xingtian punished and said directly: "Withdraw!"

However, although he can summon his own troops back into the lord's space, it is impossible for the surrounding spaceships to be summoned back.

Seeing that the opponent wanted to escape, Lin Tai opened his arms in an instant and activated his own skill, the heart laser cannon.

Heart Laser Cannon: Concentrate all the power in the heart, use the powerful muscles of the heart to compress, and then shoot it out as a weapon.

At this moment, a terrifying black beam of light shot out suddenly, blasting all the spaceships on the entire route on the spot.

Immediately after Lin Tai's body moved, the black beam of light covered all the spaceships, destroying them all.


Although he suffered a huge loss, Yuxing Tianfu didn't want to go back to settle accounts with Lin Tai again at this time.

He just put all his hatred on Lin Tai and the earth, and then his body disappeared even faster.

And Lin Tai fell on the ground, although this skill puts a huge load on the body, but now Lin Tai has completely become an ancient god, and his body fully recovered within a short breath.

Then Lin Tai activated the skill of the Blood Sea Demon Armor, released all the blood energy stored in it, and restored his divine power to 70%, and he was completely ready to continue the high-intensity battle

"Lord Shura!"

At this time, Oshinovsky, who was closest to Lin Tai, rushed over immediately and said: "You made a shot just now, I was almost killed.

"I just came back too, and after the war, I took on another mission, but I didn't expect Yu Xingwei to preempt it.

Lin Tai sighed, and then asked: "How has the earth developed during this time?"

"not too good."

Woshinovsky shook his head and said: "After you left, the Yuxing Alliance immediately launched an attack on the earth. Although we relied on the large array to block the opponent's attacks several times in a row, since this guy appeared, Our front is losing ground.”

"It does look a bit troublesome. I thought the damage I caused last time was serious enough, but I didn't expect him to recover so quickly."

Lin Tai said hesitantly. 4412124073023571]

And after that, Lin Tai also returned to the earth with him, just as Dracula, Fire Phoenix, and Thor also came here,

"How are you doing?" Lin Tai asked.

"It's nothing serious." Fire Phoenix and Thunder God said this, while Dracula frowned and didn't speak for a while.


Lin 690 Tai was also taken aback, and quickly checked the other party's information. Unexpectedly, at this time, Dracula's attributes dropped by 77%, and his health also dropped a lot, to less than 5%.

At the same time, Lin Tai also saw that a very special debuff was attached to Dracula's head at this time: serious injury, the recovery speed of health and divine power was reduced by 100%.

"I wipe!"

Lin Tai was taken aback for an instant, Dracula was about to die!

Lin Tai quickly put Dracula on the ground, then reached out and pressed his chest, and activated his own skill: life injection.

This skill is different from ordinary skills. It is not a treatment, but a forcible injection of one's own life into other individuals, ignoring the effect of serious injuries, but it will also produce very huge side effects after restoring its life.

But now it seems too late to use other methods. .

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