Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2114: Lord Of The Spirit Beast

At this moment, Lin Tai stepped forward and observed the egg's attribute information a little bit.

Name: Lord of Spirit Beasts

Status: unhatched

Ability: unknown

Description: The souls of the four holy beasts were imprisoned in a large formation, and their resentment and anger gave birth to a brand new life form in the center of the formation. It was born with the mission of liberating the four holy beasts.


Lin Tai's complexion instantly became ugly.

Although the body of this thing exudes a very powerful force, it seems to be hostile to itself, and it was born from the negative emotions of the four holy beasts, so it is destined to be an enemy to itself.

But things don't appear to be that bad.

After all, the guy in front of him is still an egg, Lin Tai, an ancient god, still has a chance to leave his mark on this piece of white paper.

"Hehe, although you look very attractive, you are still an unborn kid after all."

As he spoke, Lin Tai also tapped on the 357 eggshell of this egg.

Immediately, bursts of anger came from the egg of the Holy Lord of the Spirit Beast, as if he was very dissatisfied with Lin Tai's actions.

"Heh, you little kid still dare to challenge me?"

Lin Tai pressed directly on the surface of the egg, and then felt a bright golden dragon swimming in the egg liquid inside the egg.

But at this time, Lin Tai's hands were directly deified, and then completely wrapped the egg.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's body began to release a very special substance, which penetrated through all the air holes of the eggshell.

This is what the ancient gods are best at, corruption.

It is the first time for Lin Tai to try to corrupt something, and this ability must not be used frequently, because it will be troublesome if the Dragon King discovers that he is a threat to the universe.

Even if you reach the Supreme God, you must know that the other ancient gods have been sealed since they were all Supreme Gods. Lin Tai can become invincible at the same level basically because of the body of the ancient gods. The comprehensive strength of these guys must be Much stronger than Lin Tai.

However, Lin Tai can easily deal with a mere little guy who hasn't hatched yet and doesn't even have the same level.

At this time, the little dragon in the eggshell kept roaring in fear and anger, while the four holy beasts beside it also wailed, the little dragon being corrupted by Lin Tai seemed to make them feel extremely fearful.

But Lin Tai will not give up their actions because of their fear. At this time, almost all the egg liquid in the eggshell of the spirit beast Holy Lord has turned black, and the golden little dragon is the Holy Lord himself. It also began to suffer from corruption continuously, and its soul was degrading a little bit.

After that, Lin Tai also suddenly took out another thing from his backpack, which was a piece of Yogg-Saron's body.

Now Yogg-Saron's body and soul have been absorbed by himself, and the remaining fragments are also kept by him.

At this time, he directly crushed these fragments of Yogg-Saron's corpse (cebf), but he did not completely absorb them into his body, but injected the energy into the eggshell of the spirit beast Lord Among them, the corruption of it began to be accelerated even more frantically.

Soon, the egg completely changed from gold to dark gold, and at the same time, the little dragon, that is, the Lord of the Spirit Beast, also fell into a deep sleep state.

"Well, I don't need to worry too much for the time being, just wait for you to complete the corruption little by little."

As he said that, Lin Tai also raised his hand and summoned three chains, which wrapped around the egg of the Lord of the Spirit Beast, and then left this place directly.

Now that the entire formation has been raised to a higher level by Lin Tai, presumably even if Yu Xingtian's punishment comes again, it will be difficult to cause too serious damage here.

However, if Lin Tai can do it, Yu Xing Tian Punishment will become a false Supreme God earlier than Lin Tai, so maybe his station has a more powerful formation.

If the opponent's big formation is activated, it will be really difficult for Lin Tai to take revenge.

It's just because the attitude of the Yuxing Alliance is open to the outside world, and most creatures are welcome to enter the territory, so the large formation is generally not used.

The attitudes of Lin Tai and the earth are all quite ranked, basically any aliens are not allowed to enter, so the big formation is opened and used more frequently.

"Since the other party knows that I have detected its identity, it will inevitably enter a state of vigilance in a short time, open a large formation, and prevent strangers from approaching."

But this is not difficult for Lin Tai.

Don't forget, Lin Tai now has a very good equipment, that is the supreme magic eye.

The supreme magic eye can mark a creature, and then it can be teleported in. Lin Tai really doesn't believe that the other party doesn't go out at all. At worst, Lin Tai can summon a wave of beasts to attack the Yuxing Alliance. At that time, if he brings people out, he will sit Mark it, and besiege it to death when one comes out, isn't that quite a simple matter?

Lin Tai laughed suddenly. .

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