At this time, Lin Tai was already ready, and when he raised his hand suddenly, a large number of magic circles around him were released instantly, and countless energies attacked the Edronsa Starfield Fleet in front of him

"Boom boom boom..."

A large number of explosions sounded in the fleet of Edronsa Starfield. Seeing that countless fleets were directly blown out, more and more troops were directly blown into powder, and died miserably.

In the end Lin Tai killed another thirty high gods and extracted their souls.

"Very well, our battle is over."

Kunlun Tiandao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "But the other party didn't send the supreme god this time, there are only five fake supreme gods, there is nothing worth our trouble

"Then hurry up and use these five souls to strengthen our strength, maybe it will be useful later." Lin Tai said: 24 "I can make these guys' souls into a disaster that doesn't change in level."

"I can make them into spirit puppets." Kunlun Tiandao also said,

"Then start as soon as possible."

After saying that, Lin Tai and Kunlun Tiandao separated, and each started to create their own servants in different positions.

However, compared to the Kunlun Heavenly Dao, Lin Tai made it faster, and soon there were high-god-level disasters in front of him, and at the same time, the main and pseudo-high gods were also made into special appearances by him.

But Kunlun Tiandao's production is much slower. After all, the fairy power puppet needs him to make a little bit, and input the fairy power to transform the other party's soul, making it subconsciously inclined to himself.

But it is much easier for the ancient gods to create the faceless ones. Lin Tai's ancient gods' power directly began to erode these souls, and then used their souls as nourishment and foundation to forcibly breed the faceless ones.

By the time Lin Tai had completely created all the disasters, Kunlun Tiandao had just completed the manufacture of a puppet of the pseudo Supreme God's immortal power, and it would take some time before it was fully completed.

At this time, the news of the fleet's complete annihilation has also spread to the Edronsa Starfield.

Here, let’s talk about the state of Edronsa Starfield.

The Edronsa star field is a star field that completed server integration thousands of years ago. After it was completely ruled, in order to facilitate control, its ruler Edronsa divided the entire star field into eight part.

Among them, the most prosperous and prosperous area was left by Edronsa as his direct territory, and the other part was divided into seven parts, which were called seven kingdoms, and the ruler of each kingdom was a death commander. .

Each of these death commanders is a supreme god, and their strength is very tyrannical.

In fact, there are at least nine supreme gods in the Kunlun Wonderland, and their high-level strength is stronger than that of Edronsa Starfield.

But the low-level combat power in Kunlun Wonderland is really too small, the total number of people is less than 30,000, and the Edronsa star field is an entire star field, and there are countless low-level targets with combat power. Once they really fight, These people have no chance of winning at all, and no matter how strong the Supreme God is, they will be grinded to death by the opponent.

And this time, the person Lin Tai is connected with Kunlun Tiandao is the death commander of a kingdom in the Edronsa star field.

This death commander is Caesar known as the "Dragon King", but although he is known as the Dragon King, he is actually a dragon man with the power of the supreme god. The soldiers under his command are not giant dragons, but various dragon men and dragons.

Because he didn't do anything to the real dragon, the dragon clan didn't bother to talk to him, so they let him play casually.

Of course, although Caesar is actually a supreme god, there is still no chance of winning against the dragon clan. It is estimated that the dragon clan can kill it by sending a few fake supreme god-level dragon warriors.

At this time, Caesar was lying in his garden, and when a female dragon was drinking and eating meat, one of Yaran's men broke in.

"Dragon, Lord Dragon King, something has happened!" It was a flying dragon who came to report.


Caesar immediately glared at the flying dragon 687 angrily, and immediately made the flying dragon take a few steps back in fright.

At this time, Feilong could also tell that Caesar was not in a good mood, and he seemed to hate his interruption very much.

But the current situation is really urgent, so he has no choice but to interrupt:

Then the flying dragon lowered its head and said, "Lord Dragon King, all the fleets you sent have been wiped out! The five lords leading the team are all..."

"What's the matter?" Caesar suddenly roared, and he pushed all the raw meat and the female dragonman out of his hands.

"They're all dead..." the flying dragon said cautiously.


Immediately, Caesar let out a roar, and then suddenly spewed out a terrifying pillar of fire, instantly burning the flying dragon in front of him to death.

In fact, although Jisa is a dragon, but now it is the supreme god. .

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