The huge body of Dragon King Caesar slammed into the periphery of the formation, bursts of light scattered towards the surroundings, and at the same time the formation shook violently, it seemed that it was going to be unbearable.

But at this time, Dragon King Caesar's health is also very low, so he can do it.

The Shura Purgatory Halberd in Lin Tai's hand suddenly hit the Dragon King Caesar's eyes hard, his huge eyeballs were instantly shattered by Lin Tai, and countless liquids sprayed out.


Dragon King Caesar wailed in pain, the power of the ancient gods on Lin Tai's Shura Purgatory Halberd was crazily eroding his body, and his health was rapidly decreasing like running water.

"Very well, kill him!"

Kunlun Tiandao let out a roar, and then the Shura Purgatory Halberd 24 in Lin Tai's hand was shrouded in a layer of black mist, and at the same time bursts of light mixed with five colors of red, blue, yellow, green, and black came from the Shura Purgatory Halberd. Let it out.

His attack landed heavily on the opponent, and at the same time, Dragon King Caesar let out a scream, and then flew out on the spot.

At the same time, Kunlun Tiandao and the Void Puppet's full blows all fell on Dragon King Caesar's body, hitting Dragon King Caesar's health to 1% in an instant.

Outside the ancient Conferred God Formation, the troops brought by Dragon King Caesar have basically been completely wiped out by the troops of Lin Tai and Kunlun Tiandao.

Lin Tai didn't even send out the dragon army, but only released five pseudo-high god-level disasters, fifty upper-god-level disasters, half a million mid-god-level disasters, and Lin Tai's black magic warriors. Kunlun Tiandao's arms completely defeated the enemy.

Of course, the reason for the enemy's defeat was not lack of strength, but because they saw their master, the Dragon King Kaiser, was beaten badly, so none of them had much morale, so they were easily defeated by Lin Tai's high-morale troops. crushed.

But this attack did not completely kill Dragon King Caesar. At this time, Dragon King Caesar's body was still recovering rapidly. At the same time, Lin Tai also saw that Dragon King Caesar suddenly took out a strange weapon.

"What is this?"

Lin Tai could see that it was a cuboid mechanical creation the size of a human palm, the surface was black, and there was a living eyeball that was constantly shaking.

"Data combination!"

The Dragon King Caesar let out a roar, and then saw that the countless arms and spaceships outside the ancient god conferring formation all began to turn into dots of light, and then passed through the formation and concentrated on the Dragon King Caesar.

The quantity is really terrifying, even the dead troops and damaged bodies can be absorbed into his body by him.

"Not good, he seems to be absorbing the energy of these arms, stop him!"

Lin Tai uttered a loud roar, and then rushed forward immediately, smashing the Shura Purgatory Halberd fiercely.

The Void Puppet and Kunlun Tiandao didn't stand still, they also charged forward and launched an attack.

At the same time, Lin Tai also released all his dragon legions, coordinating with the units released before, and launched a full-scale attack on Dragon King Caesar.

However, all their attacks were in vain, even if they hit Dragon King Caesar, they couldn't cause the slightest damage.


Dragon King Caesar let out a roar, and at the same time his body began to swell crazily.

The ancient Conferred God Formation is still suppressing its power, but it seems to be overwhelmed. Numerous cracks appeared on the large formation, and at the same time, it began to collapse visible to the naked eye.

"No, the Ancient Conferred God Formation is about to break!"

Kunlun Tiandao said directly: "Quick..."

But before he could express his thoughts, the Dragon King Caesar suddenly slapped them with a slap.

The body of the current Dragon King Caesar is almost bigger than the sun, the power of a slap is terrifying, even several planets deviate from their orbits and fly out in a farther direction.

And none of the three people present could block the opponent's attack, and the Void Puppet who bore the brunt was directly blown up "and then returned to Lin Tai's Qiankun world to recuperate.

But Lin Tai and Kunlun Tiandao were sent flying. Since most of the power was absorbed by the void puppets, these two people did not suffer too much damage.

As for the units they summoned, they were all scattered in an instant, and the army formation could not be maintained, and countless units disappeared into the void directly.

"I wipe, what is this?"

From a distance, Lin Tai looked at the huge monster in front of him, and couldn't help but said with lingering fear: "Isn't the strength a bit too strong!"

"It seems to be the function of that instrument. It seems that it can combine different data, thus enhancing the power of Dragon King Caesar."

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