Lin Tai also knew the rules on the battlefield, so he nodded and said, "Please go ahead.

For Lin Tai's attitude, these NPCs still have a good impression. After all, today I have seen many players take things and don't want to hand them in. Some people even dared to attack the NPC's convoy, which made them very angry.

So after looking around a bit, this NPC only took very few things, and they were basically worthless.

Among them, precious battle puppets, fighter jets, and various ammunition, etc., none of these NPCs took away.

Afterwards, the NPC and Lin Tai looked at each other and smiled "Zero Zero Three", and both understood what the other meant.

After that, after Lin Tai took these things away, he was about to go to other places when he suddenly received a message from Armin Lan.

In this place, Lin Tai used the ability to pretend, and really added those three people as friends, and planned to delete them after leaving.

But unexpectedly, these three people sent a more useful message.

"Android (the pseudonym Lin Tai used this time), are you there? We have received a hidden mission, and we may get a good reward."

"What hidden mission?"

Lin Tai also asked.

"We found a vampire camp, there should be a lot of vampires in it. And the leader of this vampire camp is very cunning, and has repeatedly launched attacks on NPCs in the main universe to rob supplies, so they released this extermination opponent's task.

"Oh, this task is not bad, I happened to see the Cybernet warrior today, and I want to see the strength of the vampire.

Lin Tai nodded, and then asked: "Where are you?"

"We're in the northeast corner of the camp."

"Okay, I'll come find you."

As he said that, Lin Tai also left his current position, and immediately rushed towards where these people were.

But just as he was advancing, suddenly a large number of fighter jets appeared in the sky.

At the same time, these fighter jets also began to throw a large number of missiles downward.

"Boom boom boom......"

These bombs don't do much damage to players above the middle god level, they can only kill some low god level cannon fodder.

However, the god-level units summoned by the players have been bombed miserably, and each one of them seems to be dead and cannot die anymore.

"Heh, a place was occupied during the day, and now we are launching a retaliatory attack!"

Lin Tai smiled, and then walked towards his destination, just in time to see the three Armin stars waiting for him.

"Let's go."

Four people boarded a spaceship, and then flew towards a planet on the other side.

At this time, Armin Lan also said: "The vampire castle we discovered this time is quite hidden, and there are probably some powerful guys inside, we'd better be careful."

Lin Tai said: "I have special means to deal with vampires, and you should have seen it today."

"Well, then the problem comes to us."

Armin Blue nodded, and then said to Armin Purple and Armin Red: "Check the werewolf units, silver equipment, holy water, etc. we brought, are they all intact?"


"I've already brought all of them."

Armin Purple and Armin Red said respectively.

"Wait, I have an idea."

Suddenly Lin Tai said: "If we attack hard, we are likely to encounter more troublesome enemies this time, and the enemies are secretly. Our attack may also cause indiscriminate bombing of us by the Metal Alliance."

"Well, indeed it is.

Armin Blue nodded.

Seeing that the other party also agreed with his statement, Lin Tai also continued: "I know a magic circle that can release a terrifying blood light, and at the same time, all creatures within this blood light are invincible!"

"In this way, we can make the other party aware of the existence of the vampire castle and launch a bombing attack on the vampire castle!"

"Huh? That's a good idea."

It was the first time the three Arminians had heard of such a thing, so they discussed it a bit, and they all felt that it was feasible to kill people with a knife, which would allow them to complete the task with the lowest consumption

The spaceship landed on a corner of the planet, and the group of people quickly separated by 5.8 and walked in different directions.

And an hour later, they appeared in a place at the same time, which was relatively close to the vampire castle, and at the same time, it was under a hidden hillside, so it was not easy to be found.

"The corpses of 10,000 wild monsters are all god-level." Armin Lan counted the number.

"very good."

Nodding his head, Lin Tai said: "You find Fang Yin to hide yourself, I will start the blood sacrifice now!"

As he said that, a small part of the blood ancestor's remnant soul appeared beside Lin Tai and said, "Are you ready?"

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