Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2154 Cleaning Up Players

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's army also began to descend from the final stage.

And Lin Tai threw a huge mecha out of it instantly, and then the body of the cyber fighter Job also fell out of it.

"I have already killed the city lord of Molten Iron City, and now I am in control here, do you have any objections?"

Lin Tai said that, of course, many people have a lot of opinions, but the deterrence of Lin Tai's army is too terrifying, what can't you say without seeing the dozen or so high-ranking Shendu?

"Very well, it seems that everyone has no opinion!"

Lin Tai nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Please go to your residence in an orderly manner to rest, I will impose a curfew during this period, and anyone who wants to do anything wrong during this period, I will give them the worst punishment!"

After finishing speaking, a group of giant dragons flew over and threw dozens of players' corpses out.

These players were all guys who were going to steal or start robbery during this period of 837, and there were even two high gods in it, who were unceremoniously killed by Lin Tai.

Seeing these dead players, all these players immediately felt fear, and once again realized that Lin Tai's strength was simply not comparable to them.

So they had no choice but to cooperate with Lin Tai, and went back to their residence little by little, not daring to go out.

"Very good, let's sweep the city!"

Lin Tai said: "Anyone who goes out, whether it is a player or an NPC, will be regarded as our enemy and killed. I will give you the right to kill first and then play later!"


The heroes around Lin Tai immediately responded, and the most excited one was the Blood Ancestor. During this period of time, he killed him very happily, and the whole person even started to boil.

And Lin Tai also took a little stroll in the city. Although the place is very exotic, it feels a bit boring after seeing too much.

After all, Lin Tai's intensity is quite high now, and he is no longer obsessed with ordinary characters. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, if you see too much, you will feel vulgar.

But soon Lin Tai was interested in something.

I saw a highgod-level steel-scale flying dragon appearing in the air, and it slowly landed near the city. Just at this moment, several blue dragons passed by, and saw that the real dragon blood in the opponent's body was very strong.

They stopped to chat for a while.

And this Steel Scale Flying Dragon also brought the news back and told the Steel Scale Flying Dragon King.

After thinking about it for a while, the Steel Scaled Flying Dragon King decided to ask Lin Tai to have a chat with him.

After hearing the news, Lin Tai did not refuse.

Because the Steel Scale Flying Dragon King, like the King of Transformed Metal, and the King of Vampires, is one of the three supreme gods in the Nether Light Domain. He has a strong blood of the bronze dragon, which is likely to be useful in the future.

Lin Tai followed the group of steel-scale flying dragons who came to greet him, and all the way to the lair of the steel-scale flying dragon king, a giant metal lair cast high in the sky.

(ceba) The volume of this giant metal lair is basically equivalent to the size of a country, and at the same time, countless steel-scaled dragons can be seen here, flying around.

And after seeing the "human" Lin Tai, these steel-scaled dragons were also quite puzzled, because they had never seen a human, only a vampire.

But seeing that Lin Tai was surrounded by the steel-scale flying dragon king's guards, the other steel-scale flying dragons didn't have any idea, they just watched from afar.

Soon, Lin Tai followed the group of steel-scaled dragons to the top of the giant metal lair, and happened to see a rather huge flying dragon.

This is the Steel Scale Flying Dragon King. It is a flying dragon of the supreme god level. Its attributes are not very high, but its defense power is surprisingly high. In terms of defense, it is enough to rival several real dragon kings.

In terms of volume, the steel-scale flying dragon king is basically about the same size as most dragon queens, but the body is a little more slender, which is the difference between flying dragons and giant dragons

And after that, Lin Tai also slowly landed in front of the Steelscale Flying Dragon King, the two sides looked at each other, and then the momentum of both sides was released at the same time.

"A pseudo-supreme god." The Steelscale Flying Dragon King looked at Lin Tai in front of him, as if he didn't understand why Lin Tai was just a pseudo-supreme god, why he could do such terrible things

"Are you doubting my strength?"

Lin Tai smiled slightly, and then saw the six figures of Void Puppet, Blood Ancestor, Black Dragon Queen, Linglong, Thor, and Mielsk appear behind him.

The Steelscale Flying Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously took a step back.

There are actually three supreme gods and three giant dragons with royal blood!

Needless to say, the Void Puppet is not as powerful as the Steelscale Flying Dragon King, but it is also a supreme god.

The Vampire King was originally on the screen with the Steel Scaled Flying Dragon King, and the Blood Ancestor was naturally much stronger than the Vampire King Wang.

As for the Black Dragon Empress, does this still need an introduction?

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