Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2156: Power Of Yuanlong

When the Blood Ancestor raised a question, the Black Dragon Dragon Queen also explained: "In fact, the reason why our five guardian dragons are different from other giant dragons is because we are Yuanlong that existed before the Titan came."

"The power of protection is the ability given to us by God Titan when we were fighting against the king of Yuanlong, Father Dragon. Afterwards, our bodies also resonated with the power of protection, and a mutation occurred."

Speaking, the Black Dragon Dragon Queen pointed to Lin Tai in front, and said: "This human has already owned four of the five guardian dragons, and now, the steel-scale flying dragon king has a very strong bronze dragon blood and a small " Six-five-seven "Part of the protective power, now that he has collected all five kinds of protective power, it is very likely that something earth-shattering will happen."


The Blood Ancestor was also taken aback, he knew that Lin Tai would be very strong, after all, Lin Tai was an ancient god stronger than most gods.

But an ancient god has gathered all five kinds of protective powers, how strong will he be like this?

But it's a pity that the Steelscale Flying Dragon King is only a sub-dragon after all, not a real guardian dragon.

The bronze dragon blood in Steelscale Flying Dragon King's body quickly merged with Lin Tai's completely, but in the end it ended hastily like this, without any changes.

"It seems that I need to turn you into a bronze dragon as soon as possible, so that this situation can go to the end!"

Lin Tai nodded, and then said: "Next, let's find the ruler of the Metal Alliance.

Now Lin Tai controls two-thirds of the entire Netherlight Domain. At the same time, there are four heroes of the Supreme God level, the Void Puppet, the Blood Ancestor, the Steelscale Flying Dragon King, and the Black Dragon Dragon Queen. It couldn't be easier.

Both the Steel Scaled Flying Dragon King and the Blood Ancestor who absorbed the Vampire King knew where the base camp of the Metal Alliance was, so they came directly with Lin Tai and the army.

The number of vampires and steel-scale flying dragon kings are all one quadrillion, plus Lin Tai's one quadrillion arms, two quadrillion arms almost cover the entire sky of the Nether Light Domain.

At the same time, the four supreme gods issued a terrifying coercion at the same time, instantly frightening everyone in the metal alliance to lie on the ground unable to move.

Not long after, the supreme god Lionheart of the Metal Alliance came out on his own initiative, and looked very humble, not daring to make any rash moves.

"The four come to the humble house, what is the matter?" Emperor Lung Heart asked with a smile.

"It's very simple."

Lin Tai also came out from behind the four supreme gods, and said, "Surrender to me!"


The Lion Heart Emperor was really angry, after all, Lin Tai, the false Supreme God, dared to submit himself, if it was normal, the Lion Heart Emperor would have already slapped him with a slap.

But now Lin Tai is surrounded by four supreme gods, and one of them is about the same strength as himself, and two of them are far more powerful than him, which makes the lion heart king have no confidence in the battle goal at all.

So after thinking for a while, he said again: "Please don't be joking, what's the matter with you..."

But before Lion Heart Great Emperor had a chance to finish speaking, the Void Puppet instantly attacked Lion Heart Great Emperor in front of him.

An extremely thick dragon breath was sprayed out by him, and the terrifying heat instantly made the surrounding temperature soar...  

"God's Metal, Shield!"

The Lionheart Emperor's face also changed wildly, and he instantly summoned a layer of so-called "God's Metal" to form a shield in front of him to block the breath of the void puppet.

But then, Steel Scale Flying Dragon King, Blood Ancestor, and Black Dragon Dragon Queen all rushed down. Their strength was quite terrifying. Without giving the Lion Heart Emperor a chance to react, he directly threw his five bodies to the ground, and even all his skills disappeared. It is sealed and cannot be used.

"Hehe, are you crazy again?"

Lin Tai walked over with a smile, raised the Shura Purgatory Halberd above his head, and then slammed it down on the head of the Lion Hearted Emperor.

"Your subordinate, Lionheart, will be your most loyal servant from today on!"

Of course, Lin Tai's blow didn't really land.

Because when Lin Tai launched the attack, the Lionheart Emperor also felt the terrifying power of Shura's Purgatory Halberd, and chose to surrender without hesitation.

It's just that Lin Tai is really not very optimistic about the Lionheart Emperor.

2.9 The Steelscale Flying Dragon King can later stimulate his bloodline to become a giant dragon of the supreme god level, with great potential. And the Blood Ancestor himself is a super strong man, he can even wrestle with the Dragon Queen when he is full, and he is almost invincible.

And this Lionheart King is really not that good. As the ancestor of the Cybernetic warrior, its power is only metal and deformation after all, and it has no potential or value for further upgrades. Lin Tai is also quite speechless about it.

But no matter what, he is still a supreme god, and it would be better for him to control the Nether Light Domain afterwards. .

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