At this time, Lin Tai has fully integrated into this universe, the original power of the ancient gods has already merged with the laws of this universe, coupled with the influence of the five guardian powers, Lin Tai's body instantly became crystal clear white, and then began to emit a large amount of halo towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai's energy began to increase rapidly, and no matter who was present, it was clear that Lin Tai's current state was quite special.

"Bastard, die to me!"

The anger in Star God's eyes was beyond fury, and in an instant, he raised his hand, and a cluster of starlight condensed a bow and arrow and a barrel of arrows in his hand.

The original star god's weapon was called the Wrath of the Stars. After he became the Supreme God, he abandoned this weapon and split it into three superior artifacts: the Power of the Stars, the Son of the Stars, and the Wrath of the Stars.

But even if he gave up his own weapon, the starlight condensed by the star god is still powerful enough [its power is even more powerful than the 600 spiritually abandoned supreme artifacts of the stars].


Seeing that Star God let go of his fingers holding the bowstring, countless arrows shot towards Lin Tai in an instant.

This kind of attack is really too fierce. Star God's must-killing wrath of the stars basically means that he can shoot an arrow for every star in this universe. It can be said that he is the strongest must-kill in this universe. One of the killing skills, even if the current Lin Tai wants to block it, it is quite difficult.

But at this moment, Lin Tai did not resist by himself, but phantoms of planets with almost exactly the same number as the arrows appeared around Lin Tai.

"bang bang bang"

The phantoms of these planets blocked the arrows shot by the Star God, or rather than blocking them, they took back the energy (cefi) that was originally absorbed from him.

"This is the power to protect the earth!"

That's right, what Lin Tai used just now is the power of the guardian of the earth.

Now Lin Tai is connected to the entire universe, and the original effect of his power of protecting the earth is to gain the favor of each planet, so it is naturally magnified countless times at this time.

So Lin Tai only used a little bit of the guardian power of the earth, and all the planets mobilized by the star god rebelled immediately, and it also instantly turned the star god's nirvana into black, and the rescue disappeared.


Star God's face suddenly changed wildly. He never expected that Lin Tai's mastery of the power of protecting the earth would reach this level. As the power of his own star to communicate and control the planet, it is actually a weakened version of the power of protecting the earth. It is meaningless in front of Lin Tai now.

Star God even discovered that if the other party really uses the power of the guardian of the earth to attack him, he can't even use the power of the planet to defend, because no planet will stand on his own side to help him.

"Everyone, hurry up!"

Seeing more and more Supreme Gods appearing here, the Star God immediately began to mobilize and said, "Have you seen it? This ancient god is absorbing five kinds of guardian powers. If he completes the transformation and absorption, this Once our universe is really doomed! Join me in launching an attack!"

Hearing the words of the Star God, and then looking at the state of Lin Tai in front of him, everyone present instantly understood the behavior of the Star God.

Immediately afterwards, at least hundreds of supreme gods all released their full power, and countless attacks flew towards Lin Tai from all directions.


And some Supreme Gods who have a good relationship with Lin Tai immediately frowned when they saw this scene. Although Lin Tai seems to be merging with the will of the universe, the attacks of so many Supreme Gods are really quite terrifying. They I can't even think of who can block such a blow.

However, Lin Tai can.

The power of time protection!

The power of time protection was activated instantly, and the universe reversed the time by one second according to Lin Tai's will, but it was this second that was enough for Lin Tai to do it.

The power of life protection!

During this one second of time backwards, all creatures are unable to move, but only Lin Tai can move.

At this time, a dark green flame burned on Lin Tai's body, and at the same time, all the bodies of the supreme gods with life were swallowed by this flame.

Their divine power does not have any protective effect, and it seems to add fuel to the fire, making the fire of life released by Lin Tai rage faster on their bodies along with the divine power!

"What the hell is going on here?"

A group of supreme gods who were usually awesome and booming were completely dumbfounded, because the bronze dragon king Nozdormu never used the power of time, and other creatures in the universe did not know how to use the power of time.

So when facing the time attack, most of them are dumbfounded.

"In the end what happened?"

Seeing that dozens of supreme gods were killed by Lin Tai in an instant, everyone including the star gods were dumbfounded. .

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