"Is this a void-level hero?"

At this time, Lin Tai's heroes of the highest god level appeared beside Lin Tai, looking very curiously at the two black and white creatures in front of him.

Through the information, Lin Tai has learned that the big white bird is called Bai Yu, and the black beetle is called Hei Wang, both of which are void-level juvenile creatures.

"Don't look too high at the void level."

Lin Tai also said: "Actually, the Void-level and the Supreme God are the same level of existence, but the Void-level creatures can survive in the void, and the relationship between the two parties is not superior or inferior.

As Lin Tai said, he also hugged Bai Yu in his arms, and stroked the holy "four six three" feathers on its body.

Hei Wang didn't have any relatives at all, he just stood beside Lin Tai, like a stone statue.

Name: Bai Yu

Tier: Void Tier 1

Attribute: Sky God·Light

Status: toddler

Attack power: 2 billion

Defense: 1 billion

HP: 10 billion

Speed: 700


Fury of War Soul: Improve all attributes of oneself by 100%, and recover 30% of the maximum health of oneself every 5 seconds during the battle.

Streamer Slash: Causes huge damage to the target, clears and locks the buff status on the enemy, and prevents the enemy from leaving the combat state.

Demon Sealing Tactic: When attacked, passively has a 50% chance to defuse the attack. When actively activated, the probability of dissolving is increased to 100%, lasts for 15 seconds, and cools down for 15 hours.

Dingjing Zhishui: Restores self and all friendly troops to full state, but after using this skill, self will be sealed within 24 hours and will turn into a white fruit again, unable to fight or command troops.

Description: Bai Yu, a creature born from the white fruit, because the Qiling God Tree comes from the void, so it is the first level of the void when it is born. If you can't return to the void in time, you will be transformed into a higher god after you reach adulthood.

In fact, Bai Yu's strength is quite in line with Lin Tai's expectations.

Because Lin Tai speculates based on his own abilities and the abilities of the ancient gods he absorbed, that the Void should be a place that pays more attention to returning to the original.

In the void, it is almost impossible to have such fancy and heaven-defying things as the power of protection. The skills of all the ancient gods and titans are all simple and crude.

And Lin Tai's newly acquired Bai Yu is like this. It seems that his skills are extremely simple and simple, but he is not really weak in fighting, and his strength is still a little bit.

Most importantly, Lin Tai estimates that most of the fancy skills in the void may be invalid. Even if these supreme god heroes of his own pass, they may not be Bai Yu's opponent.

Then Lin Tai looked at the attribute information of the black king beside him.

Name: Black King

Tier: Void Tier 1

Attribute: Emperor Demon・Darkness

status: juvenile

IX: 101Z

Defense: 2 billion

HP: 10 billion

Speed: 700

Demon God Realm: Improve your own attributes by 100%, all your attacks have a high blood-sucking effect, the lower the damage caused, the higher the blood-sucking effect, the minimum is 75%.

Night Curse: Prioritize the effect, copy the negative state of the opponent to yourself and transform it into the opposite gain state, and lock the opponent's negative state and cannot be lifted.

Phantom Strike: Launch an attack on the target, and each hit will cause n negative states to the target, n=the number of attacks+the number of gain states that you already have...

Endless Black Hole: Record the state of the target you are fighting against anytime, anywhere. Using the Endless Black Hole, you can reset all enemy targets to the worst state after the start of the battle

And the skills, props, and consumables that have been used will not be returned.

Description: Black King, a creature born from the black fruit, because the Spiritual God Tree comes from the void, so it is the first level of the void when it is born. If you can't return to the void in time, you will be transformed into a higher god after you reach adulthood.

"Yeah, the abilities of these two guys are very superior!"

Lin Tai is very satisfied with the fighting skills of Bai Yu and Black King. Unlike the creatures in the main universe, the attacks of void-level creatures have no cooldown time.

That's right, all of their attacks can trigger the effects of Shadow Attack and Flowing Light Slash, which means that these two guys' sustain ability is quite high.

Although the creatures in the main universe are also very powerful, their skills are too fancy, and it is troublesome to use them.

And the troops of Bai Yu and Black King are their own weakened forms, called Dawn Falcon and Sunset Fairy respectively. They are also white big birds and beetles, but they have lost their golden patterns and golden horns.

In terms of combat skills, their skills are very monotonous, basically all passive.

One thing that Lin Tai paid attention to is that the god-level and below god-level units all have heroes’ attached abilities that work on the units, while the void-level units have skills carried by the units, and then change according to different heroes.

That Dawn Falcon skill, Sunrise as an example.

Sunrise: When there is a leading hero, all attributes of Dawn Falcon will increase by 120%. If the leading hero is Bai Yu, Dawn Falcon will get the skill Streamer Slash. .

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